Customer Service in Rider Training By: Phil Sause, Manager, Maryland Motorcycle Safety Program 1SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
We refer to them as “students” when they are actually our CUSTOMERS 2SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
Instructor 3SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 RiderCoach
Participant 4SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Customer Rider
5SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 What is good/bad Customer Service?
6SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Not SatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied ?
Examples of Not So Good Customer Service 7SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
10SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
11SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 FREE
12SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
13SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
The MVA shall provide exemplary 14SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 (that means really, really good) driver and vehicle services while enhancing process and product security
Customer Service in Rider Training 15SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
16SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Promotion Registration Rider Training Product Follow Up Outreach
17SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Promotion Flyers Website
18SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
19SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Promotion and Registration Flyers Website Customer Service Rep
20SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Registration Walk-in Mail/Fax Online
21SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
22SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
23SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
24SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
25SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Rider Training Product Instructor
26SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Instructor - Student RiderCoach - Customer
28SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Welcoming Cordial Mutual Respect Value Input Provide Meaningful Feedback Listen
29SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Setting the Tone
30SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Establishing Superiority
31SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Having your participants admit they don’t know something
32SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 No, that’s wrong. Who has the right answer?
33SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Laboratory Coaching
34SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
35SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Classic Coaching Errors Not good customer service
36SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Rider is pushing the Start button. The engine is cranking but won’t start. “What will you do?”
37SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Rider is having problems meeting the exercise objective. He/she can’t maintain sufficient speed. You say, “Good job”, thinking they will get it eventually.
38SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 You need to be able to give the customer directions to hell and have he/she thank you for them.
39SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Two strikes? Three strikes?
40SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 “I was doing fine but my Instructor told me to get out.”
41SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Is the customer always right?
42SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 “I paid good money for this class and I expect to get my license.” “I paid good money for this class and I expected to learn how to ride.”
43SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Follow Up “Survey says!”
44SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 End of Course Customer Satisfaction Survey Customer passes – Survey is usually good Customer is not entirely successful – Survey is usually less than complimentary No Survey – What happened?
45SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 “Get rid of…” “The class was going fine until the Program observer interrupted.” “My Instructors were great. I’d trust them with my daughter.”
46SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Outreach
47SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 “You cannot expect to change an individual’s attitudes or behaviors by insulting them first.”
48SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
49SMSA Nashville, TN 2012
50SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 “This adult learning stuff is sooo much fun.” “Go that way, that way, then that way.” Mooo MCSP In-Traffic Course
51SMSA Nashville, TN 2012 Fatti maschii, parole femine Manly deeds, womanly words Strong deeds, gentle Words What we do can be more important than what we say