Idea: My idea is to take pictures that stand up to gay rights. Software I will use Photoshop to edit my images My idea For my 3/5 images I am going to do the images around gay rights. I am going to use emojis that are well known to people that are aware of gay rights. I'm going to use emojis like muscles which I will use to show strengths and I will also use things like rainbows as that’s a well known symbol for the LGBT community. I am going to edit emojis into my images. Unit 5 Mind Map Where: I would take my images at Harlow College in the photo studio Artist inspiration Annie Leiboitz Steve Mcurry David Bailey Jerm Cohen Genre: Portraiture Add effects Vignette Black & white Sepia Jerm Cohen is a well known photography who adds emojis into his work making it more eye Catching
Annie Leibovitz How was the image taken online? I believe this image originally was posted on vanity fair website or Annie Leibovitz website and then google has taken the image and applied it to google search. 2) How has the image been shot? This image was taken in the elevator at Mick jaegers concert. I like this image as you can tell it has been taken at that decisive moment you can tell It has been taken without lighting as the image has dark areas due to the lighting in the lift. 3) An introduction into the photographers most famous photograph? The image above is a well known photo taken by Annie Leibovitz during her time working for vanity fair she had the opportunity to go behind the scenes and take pictures of Mick Jager at his concert. Although Annie Leibovitz was known for taking pictures of many celebrities this image is well known due to it being Mick Jager? 4) Inspiration taken for your own images? I have got inspiration from this image as I'm going to use black and white effect on some of my images as it adds and atmosphere and creates different tones in the image which will help me put my point across when I come to editing my images.
my Ideas
How was the image taken online? Steve McCurry How was the image taken online? This image is on Steve McCurry’s website google has taken this image and put it onto google for everyone to access it easily. 2) How has the image been shot? The image has been shoot close up to the young girl which has captured a mood due to the environment the girl is in you can see fear in her eyes. I am unsure whether this image was a set up or whether he took it at a decisive moment as the girl looks like she's in her own world 3) An introduction into the photographers most famous photograph? This is meant to be one of the most well known images in the world most people have seen this image and it is all over the internet. Steve McCurry takes images in places that suffer with poverty or in a war zone 4) Inspiration taken for your own images? This gives me isnpitrration as I like how the image has been taken I like the composition as it captures the young girls mood as her eyes look so lost and helpless. I will use compositions like this in my images if work out how I hope.