LEARNING ABOUT L.I.F.E. A family-based program on relationships and abuse prevention By Sister Kieran Sawyer, SSND and Kathie Amidei Copyright Proud to Protect, LLC
L I F E LOVE INFATUATION FRIENDSHIP EXPLOITATION This evening, we will work together as a faith community and as families to teach our children to recognize relationships that are loving, friendly. We must also teach them to recognize relationships that are dangerous or uncomfortable and learn ways to get out of such encounters. E EXPLOITATION
God Made You! We are so excited to be here together to talk about YOU! God created you with a wonderful body, and God loves you! Your parents love you! Who else loves you? Who is a friend to you? Who do you think should protect you?
You will learn: How special you are as a child of God Who loves you Who is a friend to you How important it is that you, as a child, are protected so you can grow up in safety and be loved.
Me, Lovable Me! Add hairstyle and features to make the figure look like you. On your shirt, have your parents write some ways your are good and things you are good at. In the hearts, write the names of people you know who will protect you and whom you can ask for help if you feel afraid or uncomfortable.
Ways that do NOT show love and friendship to a child of God Shaking Hitting Pushing Calling names Hugs that are too hard Laughing at Ways that show love and friendship to a child of God Hugs Handshakes Making a meal Holding a hand Joking Listening Have children surface ideas for each column before clicking.
Special Parts of Our Bodies Have Parents read Hand-out while you teach “Oh What a Miracle Am I” by Rafi
The BIG THREE rules SAY NO GET AWAY 3. TELL SOMEONE YOU TRUST (Keep telling until someone listens.)
A Child’s Prayer Worksheet Ask your parents to help you write the prayer. Take your prayer home. Pray it tonight before bed. Pray it many other days to help you remember what we learned today. Have families fill this out together.
Closing Prayer Have prayer set-up in a Bible Matthew 18: 10-14