Phase synchronization and polarization ordering IMEDEA Palma de Mallorca, Spain Phase synchronization and polarization ordering in VCSELs arrays Alessandro Scirè, Pere Colet and Maxi San Miguel
Motivation.I Synchronization, phase transitions and cooperative effects IMEDEA
Motivation.II IMEDEA K Kuramoto model: analogy between synchronization and phase transition IMEDEA Order parameter is a measure of the degree of synchronization Critical behavior 2nd order phase transition K
Motivation.III IMEDEA Phase transitions in optics 1. Laser oscillation “A complete analogy of the laser light distribution function to that of the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity is found mathematically which allows us to interpret the laser threshold as a quasi-second-order phase transition”. [Cooperative phenomena in systems far from thermal equilibrium and in non-physical systems H. Haken Rev. Mod. Phys. 47 67–121 (1975)] 2. Many-modes laser dynamics Introduction of a theory for the ordering of many interacting modes in lasers is presented. By exactly solving a Fokker-Planck equation for the distribution of waveforms in the laser in steady state, equivalence of the system to a canonical ensemble is established, where the role of temperature is taken by amplifier noise. Passive mode locking is obtained as a phase transition of the first kind. [Phase Transition Theory of Many-Mode Ordering and Pulse Formation in Lasers Ariel Gordon and Baruch Fischer, Physical Review Letters 89 103901 (2002)]
Lasers with polarization degree of freedom IMEDEA Amplitude equation for lasers with polarization degree of freedom m net gain w detuning b nonlinear frequency shift. g cross saturation term. g<1 => Linearly Polarized solutions are stable. ga dichroism gp birefringence d preferential polarization direction M. San Miguel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 425 (1995). A. Amengual, D. Walgraef, M. San Miguel & E. Hernández-García, PRL, 76, 1956 (1996). Array of lasers with global coupling:
Phase model.I IMEDEA Disregarding polarization (2yj(t)=dj=d0, gp=0): Kuramoto model for limit cycle oscillators. Y. Kuramoto, Chemical Oscillations, Waves & Turbulence, Springer (1984). G. Kozyreff, A.G. Vladimirov & P. Mandel, PRL 85, 38095 (2000), PRE 64, 016613 (2001), Europhys. Lett. (2003)
Phase model.II Mean field vs local coupling IMEDEA Kuramoto model in a square lattice: with local coupling. The synchronization process is shown to be the same, but for a rescaling of the coupling K [arXiv:Cond-mat.0201508] MF 3rd 2nd 1st
Order parameters.I IMEDEA Pw distribution of frequencies definitions IMEDEA Pw distribution of frequencies Pd distribution of polariz. angles Two order parameters to characterize the degree of collective synchronization: phase synchronization polarization ordering
Uncoupled case. IMEDEA C=0 Stationary solutions: Then Continuous limit: P(d): distribution of natural polarization angles
Global phase synchronization transition IMEDEA sw<< sd Take yj=dj/2 then: Small disorder: define an effective coupling as: Finally: Effective Kuramoto model => Apply standard techniques. Pw distribution of natural frequencies
Polarization ordering transition IMEDEA sw<< sd Assume phase synchronization Not a Kuramoto-like model! However, we can apply similar techniques. Using order parameter definition: Implicit eq. for stationary values Introducing stationary values in order parameter definition provides a self-consistent eq. P(d): distribution of natural polarization angles
Order parameters.II IMEDEA sw=0.01 sd=0.91 numerical results Coupling term in polarization eq.
Synchronization transitions Coherence lowering due to polarization ordering IMEDEA sw=0.01 sd=0.91
Synchronization transitions IMEDEA sw~ sd sw=0.12 sd=0.91
Phase synchronization and polarization ordering in VCSELs arrays IMEDEA Palma de Mallorca, Spain Phase synchronization and polarization ordering in VCSELs arrays Conclusions We introduced a prototype model to study phase synchronization and polarization ordering in oscillators with polarization degree of freedom, with a possible application to VCSELs arrays. We derived a self-consistent theory to provide the order parameters describing the transitions to phase synchrony and polarization ordering.