Mrs. Barber & Ms. Goldsmith Nervous System Mrs. Barber & Ms. Goldsmith Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved
> < Level One Level One
Body divided into ringlike Well-developed digestive, Cerebrum Body divided into ringlike segments. Well-developed digestive, circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems Annelids $200
Spines stick out from inside Move with tube feet. Food and skeleton. Move with tube feet. Food and wastes pass through same opening. Echinoderms $400
Well-developed body systems. Many haves hells. Move with muscular foot. Mollusks $600
Sponge Live in water, attached to objects. Hollow body open at top. Water flows through pores into body. Cells with flagella filter food from water. Wastes flow out of opening at top. Sponge $800
Platyhelminthes Some free-living; others parasites, living in and on other organisms. Definite head and tail end. Food and wastes pass through same opening. Platyhelminthes $1000
> < Level Two Level Two
Coelenterates Live in water, sometimes attached, sometimes floating. Armlike tentacles with stinging cells catch food and push it through opening. \Wastes flow out of same opening. Coelenterates $2000
Some free-living, others parasites. Wastes go out through anus, Smooth body. Food enters mouth. Wastes go out through anus, at other end of digestive system : Nematodes $4000
legs, bodies with 2 or more sections; Jointed legs, bodies with 2 or more sections; exoskeleton Arthropods $6000
Trichina, pinworm, Hookworm, Roundworm Nematodes $8000
Fly, lobster, honey bee, spider Arthropods $10000
> < Level Three Level Three
Clam, scallop, snail, squid, octopus Mollusks $20000
Earthworm, sandworm, leech Segmented worms Annelids $40000
Starfish, sea urchin, sand dollar Echinoderms $60000
Venus’s flower-basket Bath sponge, elephant’s ear sponge, Venus’s flower-basket Sponge $80000
Planaria, tapeworm, fluke Flatworm Platyhelminthes $100000
> < Level Four Level Four
Hydra, jellyfish, coral, sea anemone Coelenterates $200000
Give an examples of Arthropods: Fly, lobster, honey bee, spider $400000
Coelenterates Hydra, jellyfish, coral, sea anemone Give an examples of $600000
Mollusks Clam, scallop, snail, squid, octopus Give an examples of $800000
Echinoderms : Starfish, sea urchin, sand dollar Give examples of $1000000
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