The Kite Runner -Atonement-
Atonement Atonement is an important theme in the novel as it represents Amir trying to make amends for the bad things he has done in the past.
Amir and his Sins The main sin in the novel is when Amir watches Hassan get raped by Assef and does nothing about it. Amir appears to be cruel and harsh to Hassan throughout their friendship. Amir is unwilling to be there for Hassan after the incident with Assef, despite that Hassan needs a friend more than anything.
Amir runs away Amir and Baba flee to America to live a better life. Amir is trying to run away from his problems but he cant forget about what he has done. “the past claws its way out”(1) – this metaphor shows that Amir is being haunted by his guitly past and the past can not be buried.
Guilt “There was so much goodness in my life. So much happiness. I wondered if I deserved any of it.”(183) This quotation shows that the achievements and good things that happen in Amirs life are ruined because of his guilt. He feels like he doesn't deserve any good for what he has done.
How he is redeemed Rahim Khan makes a phone call to Amir, he tells him that Hassan is in fact his real brother and informs him that Hassan is dead. He tells Amir that the guilt that has haunted him for years has great value as he can be redeemed for what he has done. He tells him that “there is a way to be good again” Rahim Khan wants Amir to come to Pakistan and save Hassans son, Sohrab as his parents are dead and Sohrab is in an orphanage.
Amir feels like he has no choice but to save his nephew and returns to Pakistan to bring Sohrab back to America. This is Amirs first selfless act. He has went from being a coward to a hero. The phone call is a major turning point in the novel as it leads Amir to a journey of redemption.
The Fight With Assef -“my body was broken...but I felt healed” Whilst Amir is trying to save Sohrab, he ends up being beaten up by Assef. Although Amir was badly injured, he felt healed because he thought that it was his punishment for his sins. This is the lead up to Amir being fully redeemed.
Symbolism of Kites Kites are a key symbol in the book. It represents Hassan and Amirs friendship. They are present throughout the novel and are present at the end when Amir is running Sohrabs kite. Amir hears himself say “for you, a thousand times over” showing that his loyalty has come full circle. Kites have multiple layers of symbolism in the story. Redemption is one of them.
Conclusion In conclusion, Amir has eventually redeemed himself by finally doing good for someone else, he saves Sohrabs life. He has now been atoned for his sins.