Utility Box Pilot Program San Luis Obispo Erika Burg, Recreation Technician
Objectives Create works of art that contribute to the vitality & attractiveness of streetscape & the community Foster civic pride & community identity by bringing art to unexpected places Provide opportunities to artists to display their creative works in visible public spaces Deter & Prevent Graffiti
Summary 5 boxes for the pilot program Artists will hand paint their original art Work directly with artists Provide opportunities for artists Community engagement & interaction with artist during painting Less likely to be perceived as an advertisement Majority of money allocated directly to artists Oakland
Maintenance Hand Painted boxes last between 3 and 5 years Touch ups can be done by artists fade resistant acrylic paint Box preparation can extend durability Sanding & metal paint primer Upon art completion.. Anti Graffiti coating & water repellant sealer Some Cities reported longer than 5 years wear, climate dependent Positive of hand-painting: artists can make touch ups if needed (Vinyl wraps: once ripped need to be replaced) City will provide all the prep and sealant materials to assure quality and durability. Want artists to focus on the art. Maintenance generally low cost ($100 for 1 year)
Artist Eligibility & Requirements Pilot program open to adult artists No geographical requirements, preference may be given to local artists Can submit up to three designs Artists will submit: Coversheet Artist Biography and/or Resume Artist statement Work Samples Design Renderings Direct Attention to attachment A : Artist Application Calgary
Artist Selection Evaluation of submissions based on: Artist experience, excellence, innovation, composition and originality Relation to theme Does the art meet the objectives of the program? Objectives: create works of art that contribute to the vitality and attractiveness of the streetscape and community and foster civic pride and community identity by bringing art to unexpected places. - AAC May choose to seek follow up Staff will coordinate an Agreed upon Four week period to paint between March 2018 and June 2018 Pleasanton
Themes Cohesion amongst boxes Increase chances of receiving relevant work Sends a clear message -Themes not selected may be used for future phases of project -A theme may not be necessary for all future phases of project once working relationships are formed with artists.
Theme Options Recommended Theme Celebrating the Arts Celebrating and honoring a rich cultural diversity and multiculturalism Celebrating and supporting the Arts Celebrating Open spaces, nature and the outdoors Recommended Theme The AAC Recommended B) Celebrating the Arts as main overarching theme whilst also including information on multiculturalism/diversity in application. Celebrating the Arts
Locations 100 + traffic signal boxes that belong to The City The Arts Advisory Committee recommended option #2: Along Crow Canyon More Commercial area Close proximity to several businesses More foot traffic Direct attention to attachment B which has mapped locations/map images If successful, the project will expand to multiple phases which means more boxes in the future. Choosing a location “cluster” versus spreading out. Easier to manager, painting more of a community event, walking tours, etc. More than 5 box locations are listed to give us some flexibility when we make site visits with Public Works and examine boxes further Location one landmarks: Safeway, Amador Rancho Community Center, Dougherty Station Community Center, Bella Vista Elementary Location two landmarks: Crow Canyon Place, Iron Horse Trail, large intersections, Diablo Plaza Ventura
Location two
Fiscal Impact & Budget Expenditures Artist Stipend (5 X $700) $3,500 Materials & Supplies $1,200 Marketing $300 Total: $5,000 Project may be funded all or in part by Public Art CIP #5842. If possible, staff may solicit sponsorship from local organizations to offset cost Artist Stipends – range from $300 - $1,000. Wanted to stay towards high end to get a good pool of applicants and be on par with surrounding Cities. Materials and supplies include box prep supplies (sand paper, primer) and box sealant supplies (water repellant, anti graffiti), and other misc. items like buckets, painters tape, drop cloths. City provides those for artist. $ can also be allotted for maintenance although cities reported very low. Marketing includes media marketing for Call to Artists, fliers, post-cards to surrounding neighborhoods and/or businesses about project. Hollister
Tentative Timeline October Commission November City Council December – January Call to Artists February Review Submissions March -April Artist Selection & contracts May- June Painting installations
Recommended Action: Review the proposed Utility Box Public Art Program and make a recommendation for approval of the program to the City Council.