Genetics of microorganisms. An infection Genetics of microorganisms. An infection. Factors of pathogenicity of bacteria. Features of infectious process. Laboratory diagnostics - infectious diseases. Individual work- Modern diagnostics - infectious diseases.
A place of carrying out of practice, equipment. - Dept. of Microbiology -to conduct practical exercises: a set of dyes used in staining bacteria -microscopes, pipettes, test tubes, spirit lamps, slides, tripods. culture of microbes grown on nutrient medium, -gun new information technology, equipment demonstrations, slides, videos. -TCB: Projector, slide, television, video.
Duration of employment - 4 hours (class periods) 180 minutes
The employment purpose To give concept about an infection. To acquaint students with ways of distribution of infectious diseases and ways of preventive maintenance. To give concept about the periods, a current of infectious diseases and complications. To teach students to ways of diagnostics of infectious diseases (bacteriological, serological, biological, skin-allergic and others). To give knowledge of genetics of microorganisms and variability kinds.
Task of teaching To give concept about an infection. To teach students to ways of diagnostics of infectious diseases (bacteriological, serological, biological, skin-allergic and others). To give knowledge of genetics of microorganisms and variability kinds.
Tasks Student should know: - The Infection and ways of transfer of infections. - The Periods of infectious diseases. - Ways of diagnostics of infectious diseases (bacteriological, serological, biological, skin-allergic and others). - Genetics of microorganisms. - Kinds of variability of microorganisms (hereditary, not hereditary). - Processes of a mutation and dissociation meeting in a bacteriological cage, its reasons. - Processes of a reparation, a genetic recombination, transformation, transduction, conjugation in a bacteriological cage.
Tasks The student should make: - To Take a material for microbiological research of infectious diseases. - To Choose nutrient mediums for the taken materials. - To Do material crops in a nutrient medium. - To Know stages of bacterioscopic, bacteriological ways of microbiological diagnostics. - To Put reaction of agglutination for serological diagnostics. - Ways of infection with a material of laboratory animals for biological diagnostics. - To Put skin-allergic reactions. excrete culture.