Progress in Asia Hitoshi Hayano,KEK,


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Presentation transcript:

Progress in Asia Hitoshi Hayano,KEK, 06162009 TTC meeting @LAL, June2009 Progress in Asia Hitoshi Hayano,KEK, 06162009

outline STF progress IHEP progress RRCAT progress PAL status Finish of STF 1.0 (4 cavities cryomodule experiment)    Preparation of S1-Global Start-up of STF 2.0 S0 efforts IHEP progress 3 years development plan of 1.3GHz SCRF test facility    cavity, input coupler, tuner, LLRF, MBK, Marx, VT, HTS,… RRCAT progress press and trim of 1.3GHz half cell, EBW test, endgroup machining    infrastructure, materials R&D PAL status SC cavities for PLS2 upgrade   

STF status and plans

STF1.0 ( 4 TESLA-style cavities in short cryomodule) exp. term : May 2008 – Dec. 2008 Experience of ILC cryomodule technology module assembly, 2k cryogenics, heat load, cavity performance, LLRF performance, waveguide configuration test high power test, one by one high power test, 4 cavities combined

Cavity performance in STF 1.0 cryomodule BLC #2 cavity performance FB on Piezo off FB on Piezo on Lorentz detune meas. (piezo on)

STF1.0 remains ( in 2009, before S1-Global) laser displacement-meter precise measurement of GRP thermal distortion using laser distance-meter, improved WPM monitors with optical target (2) Test of 5K shield removal optical target WPM Cross section with/without 5K shield

STF S1-Global Aiming 31.5MV/m operational cryomodule, by international collaboration assembly : Oct 2009 - April 2010 operation : May 2010 – December 2010 Module-A : existing KEK cryostat + 4 new KEK cavities Module-C : INFN cryostat + 2 DESY cavities + 2 FNAL cavities power distribution : 2 SLAC VTO + existing KEK WG KEK-new FNAL DESY FNAL DESY KEK Connection to 2K Cold Box End Cap Module C (INFN) Module A

STF2.0 accelerator plan STF New installation; photocathode RFgun : FNAL gun cavity, JINR-IAP laser, ATF photocathode capture cavity : two 9-cell SC cavities cryomodule : 3 ILC cryomodules (1 ILC RF unit ) klystron : 10MW horizontal multi-beam klystron modulator : bouncer modulator Cavities : 2+26 Klystrons : 5MW + 5MW + 10MW Beam : 850MeV, 1ms train、9mA、 5Hz

STF2.0 Pre-accelerator part On a way to construct STF phase2.0 accelerator; verification experiment : compact light source accelerator use of STF RFgun and capture cavities : two 9-cell SC cavities with beam collision to stored laser in multi-mirror storage cavity.

from S1-G to STF phase 2 STF 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2008  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 KEK cavities production & VT & jacket operation 31.5MV/m S1 Global assy. DESY, FNAL VT and jacket Compact Light Source (STF2 pre-accelerator) FNAL RF gun cavity RF gun assy. JINP & IAP laser production STF/CLS Laser installation Capture Cavities installation HPV inspection Compton Laser installation CLS beam operation capture module 2 cavities production VT jacket STF Phase2 HPV inspection 1 cryomodule 9 cavities production VT jacket assy. operation HPV inspection 2 cryomodules 17 cavities production VT jacket assy. operation

S0 effort in KEK STF Research on gradient limitation; Use of Inspection Camera, T-map, X-ray map, pass-band modes meas. Surface study on sample plate and sample in the single cell, Study on effect of various rinse method, Study on guided repair method, cylinder rotation LED illumination 2.8µm/pix resolution Revised Inspection Camera (KEK-Kyoto) On-line T-map is under development

Recent KEK cavity production STF Recent KEK cavity production TESLA-shape 2007 production : MHI-05 27MV/m quench MHI-06 25MV/m FE-limit, 20MV/m quench, ?? 2008 production : MHI-07(1st VT next week) MHI-08(under treatment) MHI-09(under treatment) 2009 production : 2 for capture cavities (under bid) 9 for 1 ILC cryomodule (under fabrication) 2 for S0 study(under fabrication) LL-shape 2007 production : LL-#7 (under testing) LL-#8 (under testing, go to Jlab for test) 2008 production : LL-#9 (under testing, large grain) candidates of S1-Global STF2.0 ACD effort Hitachi and Toshiba started cavity development by collaboration with KEK.

Cavity Fabrication Facility New Cavity Fabrication Facility is under discussion STF Introducing All-in-one fabrication utility aiming for a model factory for ILC cavity fabrication. Material inspection, machining, press, trimming, EBW for endgroup, EBW for cells, Chemical polish, rinsing, clean room, various inspections, RF measurements, etc.  STF Building Cavity Fabrication Facility STF tunnel New carry-hatch

IHEP(China) progress

IHEP IHEP 1.3 GHz SCRF Program 1.3 GHz SCRF Accelerating Unit and Horizontal Test Stand leader: Jie GAO 2009-2011 key components R&D and integrated test serves as a Horizontal Test Stand (HTS) for components R&D Subsystems R&D Two 9-cell cavities (low-loss type, large grain niobium, 25-30 MV/m) Two input couplers (KEK STF-baseline type) Tuner (slide-jack or new blade tuner) and LLRF Cryomodule (short) and cryogenics (new system) Marx modulator and MBK SCRF Facilities R&D and upgrades (CBP, BCP, HPR, Pre-tuning machine, …deliver before Aug. 2009) Cryogenic system for VT and HTS

9-cell cavity dumbbell welding and tuning IHEP R&D Progress (1) 9-cell cavity dumbbell welding and tuning (surface treatment at IHEP, test at KEK in late 2009) Input coupler RF and thermal simulation LLRF layout and tuner 3D model

Marx modulator IGBT 12 kV switch module test IHEP R&D Progress (2) Cryomodule structure design, thermal & mechanical analysis Marx modulator IGBT 12 kV switch module test For more details: First Mini-Workshop on IHEP 1.3 GHz Superconducting RF Project, June 10-11, 2009, IHEP, Beijing, China,

RRCAT(India) progress

Facilities for SCRF Program Set Up / Planned RRCAT Facilities for SCRF Program Set Up / Planned For cavity fabrication:120 T Hydraulic press, Nb machining facility, EBW m/c etc. For chemical & thermal processing: EP/BCP /CBP, HPR & annealing furnaces etc. Support facilities: Software for cavity design, UTM, CMM, SIMS, Eddy Current Scanner etc.) Assembly & testing set up: Clean-room, Test cryostats, RF sources etc. Cryogenic infrastructure: large capacity liquid He plant, liquid N2 plant and accessories for larger cryogen & gas handling systems etc. Facilities for superconducting materials R&D: Augment available magnetic, electrical & thermal conductivity measurement set up. 120 T Hydraulic Press Al half cells

Development of 1.3 GHz Tesla Type Cavity RRCAT Development of 1.3 GHz Tesla Type Cavity Forming / Machining Tooling & Final Half Cells Manufactured, qualified one full set of forming and machining tooling (Mid half cell, Long end half cell, Short end half cell) and used to make trial pieces. Also one complete set of forming tooling made and shipped to Fermilab. Developed Niobium grade RRR 300 half cells for 1.3 GHz SC Cavity. Forming tooling Half cell machining CMM inspection Formed half cell Parameter Target Value Obtained Value Profile tolerance, mm ± 0.2 Parallelism of equator & iris faces, mm 0.02 0.03 Roundness of equator ID, mm 0.05 Roundness of iris OD, mm 0.01

On way to 1.3 GHz single cell Nb cavity RRCAT First EB welding trial :1.5 GHz Al prototype cavity Made in collaboration with Indian Industry, LTE, Coimbatore EBW Machine : 6 kW, 60 kV; M/s Techmeta, France Chamber: 50cmx45cmx45cm After cleaning As received On way to 1.3 GHz single cell Nb cavity (EB welding trials joining half cell to pipe) Made in collaboration with IUAC, New Delhi EBW Machine : 15kW, 60 kV; M/s Techmeta, France Chamber : 2.5 m x 1 m x 1 m

Economic manufacture of “End Groups” of SC cavities RRCAT Economic manufacture of “End Groups” of SC cavities Alternate way to make the cavity “end groups” M/S CRISP,Bhopal Approach Machine entire end group from a single cylindrical block. Use EDM wire cut process. Solid part will be used to make other components like form teil housing. Extensive prototyping and testing. Status Prototypes in Copper and Low RRR niobium block completed. 22

PAL(Korea) status

PLS-II RF System Plan PLS upgrade: energy from 2.5 GeV to 3.0 GeV, beam current from 200 mA to 400 mA. using 3 sets of superconducting RF system. ( 3 distributed cavities or 3 cavities in one long section, are under consideration.) CESR cavities or KEKB cavities upgrade period: 2009 - 2011