The Importance About Early Childhood Education . Dr. Runna Alghazo Dhuha Abusaai ID/201502473 Comm 2311 Oral Communication
Outline: Introduction What Is So Important About Early Childhood Education? At what age should we start teaching children? The benefits of teaching before school . How to encourage child to learn. Conclusion.
Why is important to teaching children in a young age.
At what age should we start teaching children?
The benefits of teaching before school . Preschool prepares children for kindergarten Preschool promotes social and emotional development The preschool environment is structured, although it may not appear that way
Children get to make choices. Preschool teachers nurture a child’s curiosity. Preschool promotes language and cognitive skills. Preschool activities boost pre-math and literacy skills.
How to encourage child to learn. Read books. Talk with your child about the things you read and hear, especially the things you find interesting.
Pursue your own hobbies and interests. Expose your child to a wide variety of experiences including music, plays, sports, museums, travel, reading, games, food, puzzles, ethnic activities, etc.
Summary What we can understand from this presentation is when children learn from a young age it will benefit when thy grownup and they will succeed biter then the children who did not learn anything.
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