Evaluating websites (& other helpful online stuff!)
When I saw the title of this session my initial thought was... Why are we doing this? I know how to use Google already Do I need to go to this? I love library sessions!
If someone asked you how to carry out CPR which of these 3 websites would you recommend?
Is a website any good? Apply the CRAAP test to it.... Currency -When was the information published? Is it current enough for your needs? Relevance/Coverage – Would you really use this in an academic assignment? Can you find better information in another source i.e.: journal article Authority - Who wrote the information? What are their credentials Accuracy – Can you verify the content? Is there a list of references Purpose – Why is the information there? Is there a bias? Group exercise using the CRAPP tool!
If someone asked you how to carry out CPR which of these 3 websites would you recommend?
When I go on to the internet to look for information for an assignment I do this... Go straight to Google. Go to another search engine. Go to a previously known website and search there. Use the library resources first.
More than just Google... Demo HealthMash as an example – search for prehospital pain – nice article to demonstrate called - Pre-hospital pain management: the paramedics' perspective Or CORE try searching for paramedics Google Scholar – set the iGetit@Swansea tool
Did you know…? You can search Google for a phrase by using quotation marks e.g. “prehospital resuscitation” You can search Google using site: to narrow your search to just one website e.g. prehospital resuscitation site:wales.nhs.uk You can add a link to our library catalogue in Google Scholar allowing you to access more full text
Top tip: Finding quality information Think about what you want to do, then think about what web tool or website will help you achieve that. Finding quality information Storage Networking
Good quality health websites... Health in Wales – http://www.wales.nhs.uk Dept. of Health – http://www.dh.gov.uk Evidence search - http://www.evidence.nhs.uk/ Welsh Government – http://gov.wales College of Paramedics – http://www.collegeofparamedics.co.uk
Storage Free version = 2GB space Extremely popular = 100m+ users Software install or access also via the web Store files of any type: photos, word documents etc.
Do you use online tools to network with others. (e. g Do you use online tools to network with others? (e.g. Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter) Yes, I use it mostly for socialising Yes, I use it mostly for academic networking No, I don’t have an online presence
Networking You can lurk! twitter.com/search Find people / organizations that interest you The essentials: Reply by using @username eg: @ParamedicsUK , @Weparamedics Hash tags for topics e.g. #paramedics, #WePmds Only have 140 characters
Citing Web References Web pages need to be referenced properly, as with books and journals APA Referencing Guide – available on blackboard Check with your tutor and librarians if unsure how to reference Referencing guides in the CHHS module
Which of the tools do you think might be useful to you? Twitter Dropbox Google Scholar Another search engine Something else!
Your Librarians humscilib@swansea.ac.uk Need help? Just ask chhslibrary@swansea.ac.uk bitly.com/chhslibrary Your Librarians humscilib@swansea.ac.uk Clare, Elen, Katrina, Izzy, Stephen Find us on /swanuni.iss @swanuni_iss