The HBF Skills Strategy John Slaughter Skills for Homes The HBF Skills Strategy John Slaughter
Why a skills strategy? Delivering the Barker agenda A complex scene which calls for an industry framework Co-ordinated action can add value Co-ordinated communication can reach more people An influential voice for home builders
Before strategy - research Professor Michael Ball’s research important Skills challenges exist….. …..but they can be met The conditions needed to deliver an increase in housing numbers will enable the industry to harness gains in labour productivity
Professor Ball’s labour estimates Total build 250,000 units 300,000 units Baseline extra labour 90,000 165,000 Max saving 87,000 117,000 Min labour need 3,000 48,000 Adjusted need 41,000 97,000 Final estimate 20,000 80,000
Main skills needs Trades – bricklayers, wood trades, plumbers and painters Management – particularly site managers Professions – quantity surveyors, planners, architects
Other issues Need for greater focus on home building in: Construction courses and materials Training for professions Sector Skills Agreement Academy for Sustainable Communities New vocational qualifications
HBF’s Skills Strategy Promotion of career entry – school, college, university Qualifications for home building Partnership initiatives – members, professions, others Facilitating and extending current MHBG initiatives Strengthening an effective voice for the industry
MHBG initiatives Trainees/ apprentices Qualifying the workforce – CSCS and NVQs Qualifications for site managers
MHBG initiatives status A good start made: Agreement to pilot new form of apprenticeship Audit of CSCS take-up supported by HBF facilitator Proposals for new site management NVQ options and materials
Next steps Funding needs to be geared to supporting initiatives Current concerns: No agreed funding for new apprenticeship pilots going forward Funding concern also over support for CSCS and Qualifying the Workforce Government needs to help resolve
Future vision HBF’s Strategy is wide-ranging Member engagement and partnership working will be key to success Range of important skills initiatives requires a strong focus through HBF Much to gain: Training geared to industry needs Helping the industry deliver against future challenges