Experimental Setup e- TAPS Crystal Ball Tagged-Photon Spectrometer MWPC PID Target Cell A2-Collaboration Crystal Ball @ MAMI
Experimental Setup Crystal Ball TAPS 672 NaI(Tl) crystals (l=15.7 X0) truncated triangular pyramids E/E= 1.7/E0.4% =2-3o, =2o/sin PMT readout -> Level 1 trigger TAPS 510 BaF2 crystals (l=12 X0) hexagonal cross section E/E= 2.5% @ 1 GeV PMT readout -> Level 1 trigger A2-Collaboration Crystal Ball @ MAMI
Experimental Programme 2004/5 single pion photoprodcution, meson production magnetic moment of the +(1232) via p(,'N) double pion production off the proton PT near threshold 2nd resonance region double pion production off nuclei (12C, 16O, 40Ca, 208Pb) A-dependence of M() Medium effects Branching Ratios for (photoproduced) rare decays PT C, CP invariance Mass from photoproduction threshold point A2-Collaboration Crystal Ball @ MAMI
Post Upgrade Experimental Programme magnetic moment of S+11(1535) via p(,p) magnetic moment of S011(1535) via p(,n) (pilot study) p K0+ pilot study, recoil polarisation from + 0p recoil polarimetry Cx', Ox' Medium modification of M() (E): A(,) 0 Branching Ratios for (photoproduced) and ' rare decays PT C, CP invariance pion photoprodcution circ. pol. photons and long. pol. d-target E, neutron GDH contribution lin. pol. photons and long. pol. p-target G P11(1440) A2-Collaboration Crystal Ball @ MAMI