Friday Night
It was Friday Night and Jacqueline couldn’t decide if she wanted to go to the party or walk to the Blockbuster to rent a movie. Should she…. a) Go rent a movie b) Go to the Party
She was glad she decided to go to the party because a lot of friends were there. Looking around couldn’t find her friend Melody. Calling her cell phone, Melody didn’t answer asking around found out that she had left the party and decided to go rent a movie and enjoy a movie at home alone…should Jacqueline a) Stay at the Party b) Go see Melody
Jacqueline never saw Melody again….. Next
Deciding for once not to party on Friday Night walked to Blockbuster to rent a movie she stopped when she saw Melody through the window should she… Go in and risk being seen and be forced to go to the party b) Forget the movie and go the bookstore
Walking towards Melody at the corner of her eye saw a group of boys near the bookstore watching her and Melody. Should she a) Tell Melody b) Ignore and go into the bookstore
Forgetting the movie and Melody went into the bookstore, as she looked through the various books she noticed some guys looking at her. Should she… a) Ignore b) Leave the store
Leaving the store she could hear the scuffle of footsteps Leaving the store she could hear the scuffle of footsteps. Knowing the guys was following her. Should she… a) Run b) Stay
She stayed until she found out that she only followed by Melody who had seen her run out before. Next
Looking a weapon all she could find was a paper and a Fork, should she use b) Fork
Grabbing the paper crumpled it to a ball waited until she saw the shadow throwing it she heard someone fall. Without checking back ran home and locked her door and promised herself never to go out on Friday night alone ever again. Next
Telling Melody they made a plan to split and meet up at her house Telling Melody they made a plan to split and meet up at her house. While walking through the various alleyways she noticed no one was following her she was worried about her Melody. Calling her cell phone she didn’t answer…worried went to her house. No one answering the door decided maybe it’s best she went home and she never saw Melody again. Next
Deciding to run sprinted until she meet a dead end turning should she a) Let them hurt her b) Fight
Grabbing the fork and waiting until the person turned the corner was shocked to see Melody worried when she had seen her run out the door. Deciding to forget the party decided to go home and watch a movie she owned. Next
Ignore the looks decided to go on look around Ignore the looks decided to go on look around. Knowing the boys were still watching she decided to go home. Getting home went to bed and promised herself she wasn’t going to go out alone again on a Friday Night Next
The End