Hamsters Haley & Cody
Description Hamsters are described: Short Furry Fat Cheeks that expand No saliva to keep food dry
Types of Hamsters Syrian Hamster Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamster Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster Roborovski Hamster Chinese Hamster European Hamster Rumanian Hamster Turkish Hamster
Supplies Cage Food Treats Wheel Ball Bedding Houses
Water Battles/Bowls
Wheels & Balls
Extra Cage Supplies
History Hamsters are thought to be originally from the desert lands of Asia In Syria and other Middle Eastern countries where hamsters are common the farmers do not only harvest their own fields, they dig into the hamsters' granaries as well. In each burrow they find a storage bin which may hold anywhere between 30 and 60 pounds of grain which the hamsters have stored away for the winter. Hamsters got their name from an old German word associated with storing food. (The word "hamper" comes from the same root.) One of the characteristics of the hamster, like many rodents, is to stuff their cheeks full of food, which is a hamster-like activity.
Reproduction Male hamsters should mate at 14 weeks old. Female hamsters should start being bred at 10 weeks old The pregnancies last about 151/2 to 16 days Litters range from 5 to 10 pups
Hamster Facts Plastic can ruin a hamster digestive system Obsessive running on wheels Some have red eyes
Sources www.Google.com/images/hamsters www.Hamsterhidout.com www.A-z-animals.com/animals/hamsters www.Petwebsites.com