Bose-Einstein correlations in 8 TeV DATA with jets


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Presentation transcript:

Bose-Einstein correlations in 8 TeV DATA with jets Comenius University, Bratislava Sofiia Hyrych, S.Tokár, I. Sýkora, R. Astaloš, T. Ženiš

Motivation We want to study a possible influence of jets on Bose-Einstein correlations studies. For this purpose we use 8 TeV tt-bar data which include ≥ 4 jets and compare it to 7 TeV Minimum Bias data.

Selection criteria Lint ≈ 20.3 fb−1 ATLAS √s = 8 TeV data Lint ≈ 20.3 fb−1 tt-bar semileptonic decay channel (lepton + jets) (Standard ttbar) Selection criteria: - Exactly 1 lepton with pT > 25 GeV and 0 ≤ |η| ≤ 2.5 - At least 4 jets with pT > 25 GeV and 0 ≤ |η| ≤ 2.5 - At least 1 b-tagged jet, using MV1 at ≈ 70 % efficiency Lepton = electron, muon

MC and Data comparison for muons Q - distribution for track pairs from the same jet For all pairs Track pT >0.4 GeV Track pT >0.6 GeV

MC and Data comparison for muons Q - distribution for track pairs from the same jet For all pairs Track pT >0.8 GeV Track pT >1.0 GeV

MC and Data comparison for muons Q - distribution for track pairs from the same jet For all pairs Track pT >1.2 GeV Track pT >1.4 GeV

MC and Data comparison for electrons Q - distribution for track pairs from the same jet For all pairs track pT >1.0 GeV track pT >1.4 GeV

Q-distributions for various pT cuts (muons) Tracks in the pair from the same jet All pairs

Q-distributions for various pT cuts (electrons) Tracks pairs from the same jet All track pairs

Normalized Q-distributions for various pT cuts (for muons) compared to 7 TeV MinBias

Ratio of the C2 functions for tt-bar and MinBias data

Unlike-sign Q-distributions for MinBias and tt-bar DATA (muons) Track pairs from the same jet All track pairs Track pT >400MeV Track pT >1400MeV

Unlike-sign Q-distributions for MinBias and tt-bar DATA (electrons) Track pairs from the same jet All track pairs Track pT >400 MeV Track pT >1400 MeV 13

Conclusions We have seen a BEC-like effect in the tt-bar events. The BEC peak in tt-bar events is very similar to the one in the MinBias events. Jet track pairs have a tendency to fill low Q region, but it looks that they influence BEC peak weakly. Hard to distinguish between the jet effect, though small and the BEC one in tt-bar events. It is difficult to compare the tt-bar and MinBias data, because of different dynamics of the events resulting into different pT and Q distributions. We can continue to compare the fit results of the two event samples if needed -- ?