CEDAR 2013 Workshop International space weather and climate observations along the 120E/60W meridional circle and its surrounding areas Space weather observations with SuperDARN extended in latitude and longitude Mike Ruohoniemi for: The SuperDARN Collaboration Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
SuperDARN – International space weather radar
Space weather & HF coherent backscatter radar The radars observe coherent backscatter from small-scale density irregularities in the ionosphere (plasma instability) The Doppler shift on returned signal gives the line-of-sight component of the plasma motion (plasma convection)
Mapping plasma convection in the ionosphere Doppler velocity map obtained from a single 2-min radar scan Velocity magnitude Blue - towards Red - away
Space weather & HF coherent backscatter radar Fitting the velocity data produces a regional or global scale map of plasma convection (convection pattern) Plasma motion can be thought of as a plasma ‘wind’ and the convection map is then analogous to the familiar barometric pressure map of tropospheric weather
Space weather maps of ionospheric plasma convection September 30, 2002: 09:50 – 09:52 UT Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
SuperDARN extended in latitude and longitude (2003-2013)
Observations extended in latitude and longitude
Geomagnetic storm of Nov 14: 4 – 7 UT Fitted velocity vectors during period of Lobe event
SuperDARN coverage in relation to the 120E/60W meridian
Radars under construction
SuperDARN coverage in support of 120E/60W observations
Extra Slides
Observations extended in latitude and longitude
February 14, 2013: SAPS observed with mid-latitude SuperDARN Map of line-of-sight velocities measured at 0515 UT
Expansion of SuperDARN to Mid-Latitudes Map of fitted velocities measured at 0515 UT
Conjunction over a SAPS channel: Feb 14 04:40 - 06:00 UT Movie of line-of-sight velocity maps with overlay of RBSP s/c footpoints
SuperDARN Radar Coverage
Observations extended in latitude and longitude