Volcano Types
Cinder Cone Features: Steep sided, cone shaped hill, made of rock fragments and cinders Tens to hundereds of meters tall Magma type: gas rich, mafic to andesitic Rock type: scoria, tephra, tuff Hazards: volcanic bombs, lava fragments and ash.
Sunset Crater (Arizona) http://youtu.be/843yv5ySgnc
Shield Volcano Features: Broad, flat dome made of many lava layers. Can be very large. Lava type: mafic, low silica, flows easily Rock type: basalt, scoria Hazards: lava flows, earthquakes, landslides
http://youtu.be/TaZoLicyLhQ Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
Shield Caldera Features: formed from a collapse of an existing volcano. Same hazards and magma as a shield volcano.
Composite Caldera Magma type: various Rock type: various Hazards: Magma type and volume dependent. Possible huge ash falls, pyroclastic flows, lahars, volcanic bombs, acid rain, climate change
Composite / Stratovolcano Steep sided cones, may be snow or ice capped, made of layers of ash and lava, central vent, crater, magma chamber Magma type: various: felsic, andesitic (medium) and mafic Rock Type: Pumice, Rhyolite, Andesite, Basalt, Obsidian, Scoria Hazards: Ash falls, toxic gases, pyroclastic flows, bombs, landslides, lahars, lava flows, floods, acid rain, climate change