Diagnosis of Solitary Plasmocytoma history and physical examination complete blood count, differential, platelet count serum chemistry for creatinine, albumin, corrected calcium, serum LDH and beta-2 microglobulin serum quantitative immunoglobulins and protein electrophoresis, 24-h urine for total protein, Bence Jones protein and urine protein electrophoresis, FLC ratio bone marrow aspiration and biopsy MFC (for SBP) MRI or FDG PET I level II level III level Figure 1: Diagnostic algorithm for SP divided in 3 different steps.
Figure 2: Therapeutic algorithm for SP (SBP and SEP). Treatment of Solitary Plasmocytoma Solitary Bone Plasmocytoma Solitary Extramedullary Plasmocytoma Surgery in case of anatomical instability or neurological compression Consider surgery in case of upper aerodigestive cases (controversy for head&neck) Radiotherapy (40 Gy) Radiotherapy (40 Gy) Chemotherapy for bulky disease, resistant to radiotherapy, OMD+ Conventional agents, autologous transplantation for young and fit patients, consider novel agents Figure 2: Therapeutic algorithm for SP (SBP and SEP).