ERASMUS + SCHOOL ONLY STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS, KEY ACTION KA2 2014–1–IT02-KA201-003491_5 EUROPE FOR INCLUSION The fourth teaching – learning – training event Coimbra, Portugal “Knots and Loops in Communication - Dealing with complex communication needs “ Dissemination material prepared by the Romanian teachers participanting at the event: Diana – Elena Chițu, Angelica Iftimia Florean, Daniela Vadana, Elena Carmen Ionescu, Daniela Manolachi, Ioan Septimiu Florean
The fourth teaching – learning – training event took part between 2nd – 6th of May 2016 and it was organised by the Portuguese partner in Coimbra. Our school was represented by six teachers: Angelica Iftimia Florean, Daniela Manolachi, Elena Carmen Ionescu, Daniela Vadana, Diana Elena Chitu și Ioan Septimiu Florean. The teaching – learning – training activities had as the main theme “Knots and Loops in Communication - Dealing with complex communication needs“. The event started with the official opening, a welcome ceremony organised by the host school. We were welcome by the responsible of education from the Local Council and the local representative of the ministry of Education. We were presented the school Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Sul. We visited three schools which are part of Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Sul (Bairro Norton de Matos, Arreiro și Dra Alice Gouveia), and we discussed with the studentsand the teachers and we had the ocasion to observe the way they work. We took part at teaching – learning – training sessionsled by dr. Joao Pedro Morujao Canossa Dias , a trainer specialised in communication.
The Romanian trainees consider that during the teaching – earning – training event they specialised mainly in communication: process, elements, barriers in communication and ways to overcome them, alternative ways of communication, augmentative communication. They also got new competencies in working with children with special needs. An important moment within this event eas the visit of the center in Dra Alice Gouveia School where students with special needs take part at activities prepared by specialised teachers, using special materials and specific programs, some of them prepared in school. We tried ourselves these materials and programs and, at the end of the activity, the partners did a “transciption” of a story using signs and they better understood how the students with special needs work.
We present some pictures taken during the event. Apart from these theoretical meetings, we developed practical sessions where, with the other teachers, we observed and experimented activities prepared by the Portuguese teachers and we could see how the barriers in communication can be overcome. Then discussions followed and we shared opinions in open sessions. We were involved in activities organised by the teachers and the students from Bairro Norton de Mato, Arreiro and Dra Alice Gouveia Schools. We also took part at demonstrative lessons and workshops (cooking, Arts, Adapted mobility, gardening). We saw o play where the actors were students with special needs and we went to a concert at Conservatorio de Musica de Coimbra, where the students with special needs demonstrated us thet they can overcome their problems if they are helped. The impact of the participation at this event wes significant and the objectives were reached. We present some pictures taken during the event.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the view only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.