Of Mice and Men Notes Chapter 1
Setting California The Great Depression/1930’s
Characterization Definition: The act of creating and developing a character. Direct characterization is used when stating of describing characteristics Indirect characterization is used when showing a character’s personality through his/her actions, thoughts, feelings, words, appearance, and other characters’ observations
Lennie Physical Tall/Big Strong Shapeless face Large, pale eyes Wide, stooping shoulders Drags his feet Arms hang loosely Mental Slow Caring Follows orders Childlike Forgetful Likes to touch soft things Doesn’t know his own strength
George Physical Strong Small Quick Sharp, restless eyes Thin, bony nose Dark face Slender arms Mental Street smart Impatient with Lennie Comes off mean Has good intentions Burdened by Lennie Seems to really like Lennie
Relationship between George and Lennie Unclear why they are together They are very good friends Seems like they are brothers George would be the older brother caring for Lennie
What would George do without Lennie? Get a job and keep it Do whatever he wants Play cards Go to a “cat house” Have a girl Buy a house Shoot pool Drink Whisky
The Dream Have a house Have a few acres Keep a few animals (pigs and chickens) Work if they want to Lennie will tend to rabbits Provide for themselves ***Live off the fatta the land***
Important Quotes “Maybe you’re getting better” (15). What is wrong with this statement? Shows that George wants Lennie to change Seems like Lennie is not sick- he can’t get better Why is it important? Foreshadows Makes readers feel like something bad will come
Quotes Cont. “’With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us…’” “’Because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.’” (14) George and Lennie are not like other migrant workers They have each other, and that fact alone sets them apart from others
Literary Terms Simile: “Slowly, like a terrier who doesn’t want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again.” (9) Personification: “The sycamore trees whispered in a little night breeze.” (16)