Video Editing Workshop
The Only way to learn how to use Video Editing Software…….of any sort….. Is to use it Take the time to practice editing Clipping the video Adding Text to the video Get to know the BASICS before you even consider the advanced stuff
Windows Live Movie Maker iMovie Adobe Premier Elements YouTube Final Cut Sony Vegas
What you MUST have First and foremost check with your compliance officer Name, Company Name, Your NMLS#, and Company NMLS# What you WANT to have Name, Company Name, NMLS#, Phone Number, Website Address, Email Address, Twitter handle, Instagram handle, and the words Find me on facebook
How do you do it……. Edit it in – Make an image with PPT and insert it at the end of the video – Lets look at both…… Live
Paul Baxter NMLS# 51+645+41 Leader1 Financial NMLS# 78456 747-221-6649 @paulfishbax Find me on Facebook