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Religions Places People Terms Questions 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
A set of beliefs and rules for behavior (laws) religion A set of beliefs and rules for behavior (laws) Row 1, Col 1
King Akhenaton rules this country Egypt King Akhenaton rules this country 1,2
Known as the father of the Hebrews Abraham Known as the father of the Hebrews 1,3
polytheism Worshiping many gods 1,4
How many gods did early Egyptians worship? 4 How many gods did early Egyptians worship? 1,5
The belief that only one God had complete power over everything monotheism The belief that only one God had complete power over everything 2,1
Red Sea This body of water parted when Moses led the Israelites away from Egypt 2,2
He led his people to the Sinai desert Moses He led his people to the Sinai desert 2,3
covenant An agreement 2,4
What is the name of the laws given by God to Moses? 10 Commandments What is the name of the laws given by God to Moses? 2,5
A religion based on Jewish teachings and ideas of a Jewish teacher Christianity A religion based on Jewish teachings and ideas of a Jewish teacher 3,1
Israel and Judah Philistines attacked Israel and Israelite leaders began to have disagreements causing Israel to split into two kingdoms. What are the names of the two kingdoms? 3,2
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Jesus’ disciples (4) 3,3
Execution by hanging from a cross crucifixion Execution by hanging from a cross 3,4
resurrection The Gospels tell how Jesus rose from the dead. What is this miracle called? 3,5
Oldest relition that worships one God Judaism Oldest relition that worships one God 4,1
Place where Abraham lived Ur Place where Abraham lived 4,2
Another name the Hebrews called Canaan Promised Land Another name the Hebrews called Canaan 4,3
The first five books of the Hebrew bible Torah The first five books of the Hebrew bible 4,4
Who created Christianity? Jesus Who created Christianity? 4,5
Name the four Egyptian Gods Re, Osiris, Isis, Anubis Name the four Egyptian Gods 5,1
This country’s culture was very similar to Egypt’s Nubia This country’s culture was very similar to Egypt’s 5,2
New name taken by the Israelites Jews New name taken by the Israelites 5,3
disciples Followers of Jesus 5,4
Who ordered Jesus to be killed? Roman governor Who ordered Jesus to be killed? 5,5