“Introduction to Mapping Skills & Topographic Maps” Geography 12: Ms. Pasichnyk
ELEVATION: represented 3 different ways Hypsometric Tinting Bench Marks Contour Lines
HYPSOMETRIC TINTING different colours represent different elevations i.e. green=sea level, rust/brown=higher elevations
BENCH MARKS *used to show specific spot heights, a “precise” location *i.e.
CONTOUR LINES:join spots of equal elevation on a map
Facts about contour lines: They do not touch or cross Never end, except at the end of the map A standard interval is always used & remains consistent throughout the map (i.e. Rosedale County Map was 20 meters) Some contour lines are labeled for identification
Activity: Make a Cross-Section Profile (Start in pencil!) Use a ruler or straight edge to draw a line from point A to B Use pencil! Connect to the correct elevation from above Repeat for each intersected contour line
GRID REFERENCES aka Military Grid System Invented during WW I in place of lat/long to find specific coordinates Eastings=vertical lines; read from left to right (east to west) Northings=horizontal lines; read from bottom to top (south to north)
Grid Reference Practice Put Point A & B coordinates on your map X=048826 Y=__________ Z= _________