Cost & Schedule between Shaft and Adit for Access of Detector Hall


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Presentation transcript:

Cost & Schedule between Shaft and Adit for Access of Detector Hall SiD/ILD Engineering & Detector Interface Working Meeting Dec.13, 2011

Outline In case of Japanese mountain site, Construction Schedule Construction Cost

Assumed site Zoom the above circle area

Site Image Japanese Mountain Site Portal EL358m Portal EL160m Shaft L=223m Construction Adit L=410m EL131m EL135m Adit L=980m, <= 7% inclination EL98.5m Detector Hall

Summary Schedule

Summary Cost (Direct Construction Cost basis)

Assumption of Schedule and Excavation Speed Contents Shaft Adit Portal location EL 358 m EL 160 Tunnel spec. Φ 18 m w= 11 m, h=11 m Connecting point of D/H EL 135 m (Crown level of D/H) EL 98.5 m (Bottom level of D/H) Length of shaft/adit 223 m 980 m Excavation speed 7 m/month 83 m/month As for “excavation speed”, Shaft: considered construction cycle time (based on actual record and Japanese standard of the past) Adit: Japanese standard basis

Cycle Time (for Shaft)

Japanese Standard (for Adit) (Shown in the GDE-CFS meeting on 13 October, 2011 at KEK)

Assumption of Cost Estimation Cost estimation is calculated on the basis of the direct construction cost Preparation work is excluded Indirect cost is excluded Adit Japanese standard (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) is adopted Already shown in the GDE-CFS meeting on 13 Oct, 2011 at KEK Shaft There is NOT a standard for cost estimation Cycle time for excavation is considered by reference to a past record and Japanese standard

Japanese standard (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)

Unit cost for adit (Shown in the GDE-CFS meeting on 13 October, 2011 at KEK) Unit cost for tunnel excavation

Example of equipments for Adit construction Drilling by using Drill Jumbo Mucking

Feature of cost constitution for shaft

Equipments (example) Muck Kibble Scaffold for shaft excavation Concrete Kibble Excavation platform Hoisting machine Operator control panel

Summary of comparison between shaft and adit Construction speed is low, because excavation muck should be hove up to the ground surface, and equipments should be escaped from the face for the blast etc. Equipment cost account for the most part of the total excavation cost <Adit> Construction speed is fast compared with shaft Cost is low even if a certain amount of the tunnel length