When Manhood Stretching Causes Member Pain


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Presentation transcript:

When Manhood Stretching Causes Member Pain

How long has male member size been an issue for men? Probably from the first time two cavemen caught glimpses of each other and noticed some difference down below. While member size itself is not typically considered a male organ health issue, efforts by men to increase their member size can be. For example, many men engage in manhood stretching as one way to enlarge their manhood. Whether this is something that works or not is debatable, but it is definitely something that men try. And sometimes there can be member pain associated with it.male organ health

How stretching works As any man who has ever self-pleasured knows, the manhood is a very pliable, stretchy organ. When soft, it can be pulled to different lengths with relative ease (although with some resulting member pain, depending on how far and how firmly it is pulled). This stretchiness, of course, is essential for the tumescence process – and indeed, when fully firm, there is much less stretch to the member. The idea behind manhood stretching is that if the member is stretched often enough, the tissue itself will eventually stretch as well, resulting in a longer manhood. Most medical professionals refute this theory, but many men attempt it and there have been individuals who claim to have seen increases (some substantial).

Two methods There basically are two ways a man can try to stretch his member: Manually or using a male organ extender. 1) Manual. This is the ultimate in DIY activities, as it involves nothing more than a guy’s member and his own hand. There are numerous variations on how to manually stretch the manhood, but a typical one involves wrapping the hand around the member directly below the head and stretching it as far as it will stretch. The man should hold the stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds and then release. After letting the manhood rest for a few seconds, he should repeat. Many recommend pulling the organ in alternating directions – upward, downward, left and right – in order to stretch the entire manhood. The stretching should be repeated 3 times. As a man progresses, he should increase the number of stretches and the number of times he engages in stretching.

2) Male organ extender. A male organ extender attaches at the base of the manhood and again just below the head. It then extends out, stretching the member. In some versions, the portion that is attached to the head may further be tied around the upper thigh for extra security. The extender is meant to be worn for an extended period of time each day, sometimes for several hours. It’s pretty easy to see how either of the above methods could lead to member pain - and indeed, some doctors warn that stretching, especially when using an extender, can lead to torn tissue or other concerning damage to the male organ.

If, however, the resultant member pain is simple soreness, there are some steps that can help alleviate the pain. These include: - Suspending the manhood stretching exercises. - Wrapping the member in a moderately cool compress – but not too cold, or it can cause damage to the skin. - Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Men should take great care when engaging in manhood stretching, especially since most members are of perfectly adequate size and the member pain may not be worth it. Soreness can also be battled by using a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will include vitamin C as well as natural hydrating agents. Vitamin C is crucial because it is essential for helping giving manhood skin tone and elasticity. And ingredients like Shea butter and vitamin E can help hydrate the skin, keeping it supple and more prone to stretching.male organ health crème