ESF and IB New ESF priority which recognises the need to support the strengthening of institutional and administrative capacity in Convergence regions and Cohesion Member States as a key element for promoting structural adjustments, growth and jobs, as well as economic development.
ESF and IB Institutional and administrative capacity is usually defined as the set of characteristics related to human capital in the public sector, and to the performance and success of public policies.
ESF and IB Typical aspects of capacity are The quality of civil servants; organisational characteristics; the diffusion of ICTs among organisational units; the intergovernmental relations; and the style of interaction between government and its social and economic environment
ESF and IB Rationale : Efficiencies in public services lead to increased productivity in the economy e.g. through faster procedures, improved services, etc. well-functioning institutions and public administrations are a pre-condition for the successful design and implementation of policies to promote socio-economic development and to contribute to growth and employment Effective institutional and administrative capacity is key to good governance - an essential element of the Lisbon Strategy.
ESF and IB - Portugal Strategic Objectives Enhance Public Administration's mission and give prestige to its agents, in search of excellence; Promote the modernization of the organisms, qualifying and motivating the civil servants, innovating processes and introducing new practices of management; Introduce a new idea of performance assessment, be it in the "services" or for the officials themselves; Strengthen training and valorisation of the civil servants; Enhance the quality of the public service, measuring and monitoring the level of the service delivered and the level of the client's satisfaction
ESF and IB – Czech Republic Joint Regional Operation Programme (Objective 1) Priority 3 – Development of Human Resources in Regions Measure 3.3: Strengthening the capacity of local and regional authorities in the programme planning and realisation This measure focuses on training and education of all participants at local and regional level, both involved in the preparation and implementation of the programme, and in the preparation and realization of projects. The measure targets employees of municipalities, municipality alliances, regions, regional associations, agrarian chambers, regional development agencies, schools, NGOs etc.
ESF and IB – Estonia Single Programming Document (Objective 1) Priority 1: Human Resource Development Measure 1.4: Enhancing Administrative Capacity The overall objective of the measure is to enhance capacity of the central government (including county governments), municipalities and association of municipalities. The measure also aims at increasing professional skills in the public administration, developing sustainable and high quality public service training system and improving management quality in the public administration especially by supporting building of management capacity.
ESF and IB – Hungary Operational Programme for Regional Development (Objective 1), Priority 3: Strengthening the regional dimension of human resource development Measure 1: Capacity building of local public administration and non-governmental organisations Provides support for the modernisation and capacity-building of local administration and of institutions at micro-regional and regional level (i.e. local governments and their institutions, minority local governments, Regional Development Agencies, micro-regional and county level agencies and NGOs) with particular focus on promoting co-operation amongst local players. Training programmes focus on the development of IT skills, language training, EU-related knowledge, the introduction of quality assurance systems and the modernisation of municipalities including improvements in the delivery of key services for citizens.
ESF and IB – Lithuania Single Programming Document (Objective 1) The Lithuanian Single Programming Document foresees support to the administrative capacity building in the public sector, with a special emphasis on strengthening the administrative capacity of the Lithuanian Labour Exchange, as well as strengthening social partnership.
ESF and IB – Poland Human Resources Operational Programme (Objective 1) Priority 2: Development of knowledge based economy Measure 2.4: Strengthening administrative capacity The objective of the measure is to strengthen administrative capacity of institutions at the central and regional level through training-related technical and financial support. Specific activities, apart from providing training for concerned institutions, will include preparing competence schemes, training materials, providing training for selected target groups, i.e. civil services corps members.