A2 Media Coursework Evaluation Erin MacCallam
Main task Front cover: My magazine front cover adopts all the typical codes and conventions of a typical regional magazine. I have used an image of a location for the main central image as it is a better reflection of the region the magazine is focusing on, as opposed to an image of a person. I have also used colour to bring the page together. For example the colour of the masthead matches the colour of text boxes and then colour of the bricks on some of the buildings, ultimately bringing the text and the image together. This is a typical convention of regional magazines, as evidenced in the image top right. The colour of the masthead matches the cover line text and the white flowers in the centre of the image. Cover lines are extremely important for regional magazines to make clear to the reader what the main article is about. I have developed this convention by using italics within the cover line to draw further attention to the main feature of the magazine
Main task Contents: It is important to include the name of the magazine on the contents page and throughout the rest of the magazine as a form of brand identity and remind the audience of the magazine they are reading. It is common convention to place the title of the page in the top right hand corner as that is the initial area of attention after the reader has turned the page. I have adapted a similar layout to the regional food magazine on the right. Although columns are a typical feature in a contents page of a magazine, splitting those columns into categories makes it even easier for the reader to find what they want to read. I have also added an additional row of text, (larger than the rest as it is the main feature of the magazine) to inform readers which page the main article is on.
Main task Advert: My advert page has adapted a common feature of regional magazine adverts in that the image covers the whole page, this is in order to show off the product that is being advertised, in my case a wine bar hence why the picture displays one of the wines that are sold. A typical convention of an advert page in a regional magazine is to display the logo for the brand in one of the top hand corners. Although the advert on the right has not applied this convention, I decided to create a logo that would be easily recognisable and one that had connotations of wine (hence the grapes) for brand identity and promotion. By having a list of the different events that happen/ products they sell, the advertisers can express different elements of their company in a simple yet effective format.
Main task Article Page: A common feature in many regional magazines including Bath life magazine (the origin of the bottom screenshot) is to have a whole page dedicated to an image relating to the article. I have applied this convention also due to the research I collected; my target audience are attracted to images. Therefore I also made sure the image was full of colour and appealing. Pull quotes are also commonly used in not just regional magazines but magazines in general as another form of attracting the reader as it is eye catching and aims to make the reader read the rest of the article I have also developed conventions through the use of colour. I have coordinated the colours in the page by replicating the green on the sign in the image into the title and the information box. This pulls the whole page together making it appealing as it is easy on the eye.
First Webpage: Homepage The research I collected from the questionnaire I handed out gave me the type of features my target audience would like to see on a corresponding website. Therefore that influenced the location in which I took the photos for the cover stories. For example my research informed me that my target audience are interested in cooking therefore I advertised a cookery workshop. Furthermore I added the option of viewing a gallery of images because from the research I collected, images was something that appealed to my target audience, and a gallery was a high request when asked what features they would like to see on the website. I have used the same fonts that feature in the magazine itself so that the two products synergise appearance wise. The serif font is formal and sophisticated and will therefore appeal to my target audience. The latest issue of the magazine is advertised and is the main feature of the home page in order to promote the print magazine through digital formats, and therefore will promote the magazine to a different variety of people and more people as the digital age is constantly advancing more people are using digital technologies. The four additional linked articles are exclusive to the website so this so this will make the website just as appealing because there is extra information that is not featured in the magazine itself.
Second Webpage: Contact Page Through my research and pre construction planning I discovered that it is important to maintain a relationship with your audience, as it makes them feel more engaged and involved with the product they are buying. Therefore it was important for me as a producer to include a section of information telling reader of different ways they can contact the magazine producers. I have also included a section where the reader can give suggestions as to what is included the next issue and this creates synergy between the website and the magazine. It will also make the reader feel as though they have participated in what they are reading; encouraging them to buy the next issue. Through the answers from the questionnaire I discovered that many of my target audience are keen users of digital technology and therefore I have clearly demonstrated to the audience how the magazine is just as easily accessible through digital means. I have used the same banner at the top of each page of the website to maintain the reinforcement of brand identity; a constant relation to the magazine itself.
Billboard On both the billboard and the website pages I have used the same logo and masthead. The mast head and slogan featured underneath are a replica of the one on the front cover of the magazine therefore the ancillaries help maintain brand identity. For the ancillaries I have also created a logo to give the magazine and company visual identity. The lamp is actually a replica of a recognisable lamp in Frome so it reinforces the idea of ‘focusing’ on Frome. I have used the same image on the billboard as the one featured on the contact page of the website. This is to create synergy between my two ancillaries. As well as this the image on the laptop and phone is a snapshot of the main article from the latest issue of the magazine, therefore as well promoting the website I am also promoting the magazine itself- linking the ancillaries to the main product. After reviewing the responses to the questionnaires I gave out amongst my target audience, one thing that stood out was how many were active social media users. Therefore it was important as a producer to give the audiences an opportunity to keep updated via social media as well as through reading the print magazine itself. This is important because as a producer you want every aspect of your product to appeal to your target audience.
Constructive criticism – Main task Although I was happy with the positive feedback I received I was also pleased to receive constructive criticism as well because it enabled me to develop the magazine after getting a second opinion on it. Originally on the advert page of all of the text had been white but a suggestion from my peers and teacher made me change it. They put forward the idea that I should link the text and the product together through colour. Therefore I took on their advice and through using the colour picker tool on InDesign I made the main central text match the label of the bottle. I thought this was very effective so applied it to the logo as well. As well as this, my teacher suggested I change the original layout of the article page to create a visual hierarchy. The images at the top intrigue the audience into reading the article. I followed his advice and the reaction was a positive one. My peers said that they loved that the images were the first thing your eyes are drawn to as they are full of colour. Therefore I appreciated my teachers constructive criticism.
Positive feedback – Main task Audience feedback is extremely important for the magazine industry because the audience bring in the revenue and are the deciding factor as to whether the product becomes popular or not. My main aim as an editor/producer was to appeal to my target audience therefore one of the ways I used audience feedback is through a questionnaire as it provided me with clear ideas of what would appeal to my target audience. For the main task I got a lot of positive feedback particularly from my teacher and peers. My teacher particularly stated that I had made a lot of progress from my foundation production in terms of creating narrative. For example a lot of people said they liked the way that certain colours made appearances throughout the magazine. Therefore I have learnt the importance of flow within a magazine- making each page connect with the next.
Constructive criticism - Ancillaries One piece of constructive criticism I received was with regards to the header of my website pages. Originally I did not have a header image to the website. However I was advised by my peers and teacher that a header image would bring the page to life as the colours were fairly plain. Therefore I decided to use an image of the town centre during the time of the Independent Market (hence the bunting) so that was an extra connection to the magazine itself. I am glad I took on their advice because images appeal to my target audience (according to the results from my research questionnaire) therefore it is important to act on initial constructive criticism. Originally my billboard had an unusual layout, with too much text that was clumped together. However, after being informed by my peers and after looking at other billboards I was made aware that with a billboard ‘less is more’. Too much text meant it was not eye catching- something a billboard needs to be. Therefore I edited and changed it and am much happier with the result.
Positive feedback – Ancillaries The comments made about my ancillaries were largely positive. My peers who also live in Frome really appreciated the fact that my logo linked directly to the town through the replica lamp. This showed me that adding subtle links to the town is really important in appealing to a local target audience as it shows that as a producer and editor I have truly researched and focused on the town I am writing about. I also sent round a snapshot of my ancillaries via private student email and the feedback was that they could see it being a successful subsidiary website for the magazine and that it looks like a real, relevant website. Another popular element of my ancillaries that I have learned through audience feedback was how they clearly linked to the magazine itself. Therefore I have learnt the importance of synergising the ancillaries with the main product. Overall, what I have learned most from my audience feedback is that I need to have more confidence in myself. I carefully collected research, planned and constructed a magazine that would appeal to my target audience without letting my personal opinions affect the production. Therefore hearing such positive feedback was very appeasing and I have learnt to trust my knowledge on codes and conventions of regional magazines.
Research The main browser I used for research was Google. Before starting this brief I was not clear about the codes and conventions of regional magazines, therefore I mainly used google to gain a deeper knowledge about features of regional magazines, such as what content they include, who the typical target audience would be etc.. As part of my research I had to focus on a specific institutions that published regional magazines and I chose MediaClash. They publish magazines such as ‘Bath Life’ and ‘Bristol Life’ which are fairly local areas, therefore I thought it was be the most relevant company to look at. I used their website to analyse their digital magazines and take inspiration for my own product. I also used email to contact them and ask them for the media pack, which they kindly gave to me. This really helped me understand the logistics of creating a successful magazine. One other way I used digital technologies was by using Survey Monkey which is an online survey development software. This software meant I could construct a digital questionnaire which various answer methods such as multiple choice, yes/no etc, allowing my questions to be as detailed as I needed them to be. Due to the questionnaire being online it enabled me to easily distribute it directly to people who fit into my target audience, meaning the answers were more representative.
Planning I recorded the majority of the process and planning on my WordPress blog. The best thing about having a blog was that all my uploaded pre production planning was in date order so I could keep a record of my progression, for example I could compare the work posted on my blog to the checklist and highlight what I still had left to do. WordPress also enables you update and edit posts if need be, allowing constant progress. As WordPress was accessible through any digital device it was easy to keep up to date with blog posts and next steps. Allows you to see what you have and have not published. I also used Google in the pre production planning to gather inspiration from other regional magazines about how to word the article or what layouts work best for advertisements and contents pages etc.
Construction I used a canon camera to take all the images not only for the magazine pages but for the ancillaries also. Having my own camera as opposed to using the ones provided by the school meant there was an increase in flexibility in terms of location and when I took the photographs. Another benefit of using my camera was that I was familiar with the settings and knew what feature I needed to use for different lighting, effect or setting. The editing, such as cropping, enhancing certain colours, or manipulating the shape of the photos with done with Adobe Photoshop. I decided to use this software because I became familiar with it whilst constructing my foundation product so I was able to use the skills I had learnt and develop them in my advanced production. For creating the magazine pages themselves I used Adobe InDesign partially because it can create columns with different width sizes which was ideal for making the layout look as I professional as I could. However I mainly chose to use this software because I was confident with it after having used it for the construction of my foundation coursework as well. Therefore like Photoshop I wanted to make progress on what I already knew. One new software I used was wix.com which is a website development software. I used this to create the two web pages for my ancillaries as it was quick and easy to use, allowing me to add my own images and providing various layout ideas. It also allowed me to publish what I had created as a fully functioning website.
Foundation production Evaluation I chose to use PowerPoint to format my Evaluation as I could easily segregate the questions on to different slides and answer them in as much detail as possible. PowerPoint also made it easy for me highlight which part of the production I am writing about with images, circles and arrows. PowerPoint is another software that I had used in my foundation production therefore one other reason why I chose to put my evaluation into a PowerPoint presentation was to document my progression as well as learning new skills. Advanced production Foundation production