Business Technologies Writing Goals Business Technologies
Goal Writing When writing goals, you should be SMART! Your goals should read like a cookbook recipe.
Specific Measurable Action Plan Realistic Timeline S.M.A.R.T Goals S M
Be Specific Exactly what are you going to make? If your goal is a chocolate cake, then the steps you take to achieve your goal should be like the list of ingredients you plan to use.
Set Your Action Plan What ingredients do you add? What order?
Is Your Goal Realistic Are you trying to make a chocolate cake when you don’t have all the ingredients or don’t own an oven?
What Is Your Timeline How long will it take to make the cake (from planning to service)?
Specific Can your goals be understood by anyone? (Ambiguity leads to misunderstanding.)
Measurable Can your steps and goals be assessed? How?
Action Plan What steps will you take and in what order?
Realistic Is your goal achievable? Do you have skills and resources to reach your goal?
Timeline Have you given yourself enough time to achieve each step? What about reassessments and revisions?