The Life Cycle of Ink By Mae and Lexy
Design Come up with what color ink is How to package the ink How much the ink bottle should hold What it should be made out of Environmental impact
Materials Acquisition Raw Materials Polymers Reaction agents Solvents Colorants Pigments Consumes Energy Creates Waste
Material Processing Heat up raw materials to make into liquid and color with pigments. Creates Waste Consumes energy
Manufacturing The two inks are given charges and encapsulated in conductive micro spheres. Consumes energy Creates waste
Packaging Plastic packaging Raw materials oil Creates waste Consumes energy
Distribution Transport Transport raw materials to factory To stores across America Uses energy Creates greenhouse gases
Use Use Printers Pens Calligraphy pens Books Magazines Stamps Paper signs
Reuse/Recycling How you can Reuse and Recycle Turn in inkjet cartridges Refill inkjets Saves energy
Disposal Throw ink in the trash Transported to landfill Creates Pollution Impacts environment
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