Presented by: Isabella Lanza Civilization of Asia Presented by: Isabella Lanza
The Tang Dynasty
Dynasties Rule China A Golden Age Begins Dynasty:is a series of rules from the same family. Throughout its long history,China has been ruled by many different dynasties. The Sui ruled only until 618 ,but they united the north and south of China for the first time in centuries. The Tang came to power and ruled China for almost 300 years. The Tang dynasty was a golden age of political and cultural achievement. Its capital ,Chang´an ,was the world´s largest city at the time.
The Grand Canal A Great Ruler One sources of China´s economic strenght was the Grand Canal ,which had been greatly extended under the earlier Sui dynasty. The grand Canal helped join northern and southern China and made it possible to supply the capital. The greatest ruler of the dynasty was Tang Taizong He began his military career at the age of 16. Tang Taizong was a master of calligraphy,the art of beutiful handwriting.
The Song Dynasty
Changes in Goverment The first capital of Song Dynasty was located in Kaifeng ,After the Song lost control of regions to the north ,they moved the capital to Hangzhou. The Song have the merit system Under this system ,officials had to pass tests and prove their ability to dod work
Agriculture During the Song Dynasty ,new strains of rice and better irrigation methods helped peansants grow more rice. These two improvements allowed farmers to produce two crops a year instead of one .
Arts Chinease rulers supported many different formas of art ,incluiding music and poetry. Song rulers also prized graceful art onjects, such as those made from porcelain.
The Mongols conquerer China
Klubai Klan ,mogol Ruler of China Genghis khan had conquered all of northern China by 1215 Kublai Khan to completed the conquest of China and to rule it. Kublai Khan came to power in 1259. The Mongols centralized goverment,in China. High goverment position were reserved for mongols and were even given to foreigners rather than to Chinese The Mongols also kept their own language and customs
A Country of island Japan is an Archipelago ,or chain of many island . The island of Japan were formed by volcanoes ,and earthquakes are common in the region. The mountains make traveling by land difficult,the sea hepled to protect Japan from invaders.
An impressive capital Heiam emperors ruled from a new capital Kyoto . Most Japanese buildings were wooden at the time,and fires were common.
The japanese nobility Farmers ,fishers ,traders ,and builders were usually poor and spent their time doing hard work The nobles believed tha the importance of their families and their position Noblewomen were not affected by such rules because they could not hold official positions in the goverment. This kind of economic system,in which poor people are legally bound to work for wealthy landowners, is called feudalism.
Samurai warriors Rich estate owners became so independent that they often disobeyed the emperor. The nobles paid these armies to defend them, their estates ,and the peasants who worked for them . The armies were made up of warriors called samurai.
Japan and the outside world In 1543 ,several portugues e ship were blown off course and landed on Japann´s coast. In the years that followed , a lively trade developed between East and West. Many Europeans traedears and missionaries made the long voyage to these island , and thousands of Japanese converted to christianity .
The tokugawas unify Japan In 1603 ,tokugawaleyasu became shoguna Leyasu was determined to bring order to the country .To end the fighting among warring sumurai band,leyasudivided Japan into about 250 regions. To control these local leaders ,the Tokugawas required each daimayo to live in the shougun´s capital Edo.