Unit 5 Vocabulary
Demo People
Demo- Demography Demophobe Democracy Study of the people Fear of people Democracy Government for and by the people
Div Separate
Div- Divide Division Divorce To separate things Separating into parts When two people separate in their marriage
Dyna- Power
Dyna- Dynasty Dynamite Dynamic A powerful line of rulers Powerful explosives Dynamic A powerful motion
Cosmo Microcosm Cosmonaut Cosmopolitan Something similar to a much larger concept, like the universe Cosmonaut The name for a Russian astronaut who travels the universe Cosmopolitan Someone who knows many cultures universally
Dorm Sleep
Dorm- Dormitory Dormancy In college, where residents sleep (apartments) Dormancy In a state of rest (sleep)
Ecto Outside
Ecto Ectoderm Ectothermic The outside layer of cells Animals whose body temperature changes based on the outside temperature
Endo Within
Endo- Endocardial Endogamy Within the heart To marry within one’s own social group
Ethno Culture/Heritage
Ethno Ethnic Ethnocentric Ethnology Pertaining to one culture; Focusing on the culture of people; Ethnology The study of culture.
Fort Strong
Fort Forte Force Effort What someone is good at (their strength) A strong pressure Effort Working strong to achieve a goal
Graph Write/Record
Graph Graphology Calligraphy Holograph A study of handwriting to determine character Calligraphy Elegant handwriting Holograph The only person who signs it is the one who wrote it too.