LC Tasks after the Tax Season is Over
Summary Right after the season ends Later Deactivate users in TaxSlayer Enter final performance metrics Season wrap-up meeting Reimbursements/CE approval Later Taxpayer questions Letters from the IRS or DOR CO1 LC Training 2017
Deactivate users in TaxSlayer Identify two users who can access TaxSlayer in the off-season Commonly the LC and ERO All other users deactivated <put screenshot here> CO1 LC Training 2017
Enter final performance metrics Report paper returns and questions Part of site management (covered earlier) Feeds measures that determine grants for Tax-Aide <enter screenshot here> CO1 LC Training 2017
Season wrap-up meeting Held at district level to review the tax season Incidents and other problems Bring performance numbers Provide names of volunteers who can access TaxSlayer Lessons learned and best practices May be conducted as a teleconference or webinar CO1 LC Training 2017
Reimbursements & CE All volunteers to submit/waive reimbursement LC’s approve Counselor/ERO reimbursements Some Continuing Education approvals may be needed CO1 Instructor Workshop 2017
Taxpayer Questions Need copy of return (M-5) Have not received refund (P-6) Found another tax form Failed to file a return Other CO1 LC Training 2017
Letter from IRS or DOR Do not admit error LC or a representative meet with taxpayer to determine what information is required Help the taxpayer write a letter OVER THE TAXPAYER’S SIGNATURE We do not write letters in the name of AARP or the Tax-Aide program (with the exceptions below) If appropriate, can send an approved AARP Tax-Aide letter (copies can be found on OneSupport) Letters to the IRS requesting forgiveness of assessed penalties Did not e-File letter TaxSlayer error waiver request Letters to the taxpayer TaxSlayer apology letter CO1 LC Training 2017
Letter from IRS – Other Resources Taxpayer Advocate Service Independent organization within the IRS Free and confidential Eligible for assistance if: Taxpayer is experiencing economic harm or significant cost (including fees for professional representation); Taxpayer has experienced a delay of more than 30 days to resolve tax issue; Taxpayer has not received a response or resolution by the date promised by the IRS Low Income Taxpayer Clinic Independent organizations not in the IRS that provide low-income taxpayers with representation to resolve federal tax issues Free or nominal cost and confidential Information in Pub. 4134 More information on OneSupport CO1 Instructor Workshop 2017