SmartHealth : AgeWISE Seminar September 2017
Why has Waikato DHB developed SmartHealth? Challenge of increasing health demands: Aging population Chronic illness Declining workforce Rural population Inequity of access Patients who want to be treated like customers with more authority over their healthcare
NZ Government Direction
SmartHealth: key patient/citizen benefits From your smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer: Look up useful health information Ask questions Talk to a doctor in the evenings and weekends for free Have your hospital appointment through SmartHealth from home. Consult virtually with your GP
What is SmartHealth: Key general practice benefits Modernise your service ( offer video consultations and text consultations/messaging) CME (answer questions) Peer review (global rounds and curbside consult) Create Clinical network ( access specialist advice) Be part of patient care team ( they can message you) SOAP note created in SmartHealth sent to GP electronically
SmartHealth Afterhours doctor service Doctors fill a roster Mon-Fri : 6-11pm Weekends and public holidays : 8am-8pm Connected to each other virtually Star rating : 4.74/5 Every consultation is monitored Outcomes: advice, see GP, prescription, refer urgent care or ED Usage increasing at present approx 50 consults per week
SmartHealth Afterhours doctor service Healthline will now offer a SmartHealth doctor if you live in the Waikato after the nurse consultation has finished. Some aged care facilities are wanting to pilot the use of SmartHealth both in hours with their contracted primary care provider and out of hours using the SmartHealth Afterhours service. Residents can be independent or the nurse manager can operate the SmartHealth account on their behalf. St John will now start using the SmartHealth doctor when they are in the home of a patient who is low acuity. We are also thinking about SmartHealth being an option in our emergency departments
Is a SmartHealth consultation safe? Consulting virtually with a doctor or nurse is now an accepted part of NZ healthcare. Regulatory and professional bodies all agree. Clinicians need to be trained in the use of virtual technologies. Patient experience and patient safety must be protected in the virtual space If a physical examination is needed to come to a diagnosis and plan, you will be invited in to an in person face to face consultation.
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Online doctors evenings and weekends
Aftehours Doctors
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GP: SmartHealth main menu
GP SmartHealth: Clinical Network
GP SmartHealth : Messages upload files and images
SmartHealth- The future Waikato DHB will be reviewing our urgent/emergent model of care across Waikato district over the next 12 months. The new model of care will absolutely include opportunities for patients and clinicians to connect to each other virtually. We will see where SmartHealth fits into this model of care SmartHealth is available to all NGOs to use in the Waikato DHB.