Fragments Fragment: incomplete sentence
Fragment: incomplete sentence Missing a subject or verb or complete thought Missing complete thought=dependent clause Although we went home. If you like her. When you want to go. Other examples Into the dark forest of the night. (no subject or verb) Went to the park. (no subject) The girl sitting behind me in class. (no verb or complete thought)
Beware… Fragment does not equal short Sentence does not equal long
We need sleep. Sentence
Go to bed at 10 o’clock. Sentence
Have to go to bed. fragment
Because we need sleep. fragment
Not enough time or money. fragment
What is the meaning of friendship? sentence
My brother and my mother to Argentina. fragment
Before she packed up her suitcase and left. fragment
While you were out all day long. fragment
Cooking delicious food. fragment
Cook delicious food. sentence
Cooked delicious food. fragment
I cook delicious food. sentence
This school, which is named Sunnydale Academy. fragment
Presidential elections occur every four years in the US. Sentence
When people forget to put new trash bags in the can. fragment
If you want to go. fragment
Two people worked on this project. sentence
Before using this machine. fragment
The song titled “Hope.” fragment
How to eat potatoes? fragment
A doctor in the house? fragment
A doctor or a lawyer in the house? fragment
To see its special effects and great battle scene. fragment
The chances of getting hit by lightning are very small. sentence
Now that you know sentence types. fragment
Even though she knew that I was asleep. fragment
Sitting in the park, I began daydreaming about my future. sentence