Decent Work for Migrant Workers in Precarious situation in EU 27, Gdansk 13-14 September, 2011 Rights based approach to migrant workers in trade unions Country Report: Finland Helena Hämäläinen, SAK Ralf Sund, STTK 20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow
Finland: Facts and estimates about workforce (immigrants and migrants) 5,4 million inhabitants - 2 % foreign nationals, 3 % speak other than national languages Official languages are Finnish (91 %), Swedish (5,4 %) and Sámi (1700 people) Workforce 2,7 million persons, around 65 000 of immigrant background Immigrant unemployment nearly three times the national average (which is around 8 % at the moment) The employment rate of immigrants in 2009 was only 52 % compared to 70 % of the natives 57 000 – 67 000 foreigners worked in Finland on temporary basis in 2009 20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow
Immigrants/foreign workers and trade unions Three central organisations in Finland: SAK (1,043 million members), STTK (614 000 members) and Akava (547 000 members) Organisation percentage around 70 Estimation of organisation percentage of immigrants 30 In SAK affiliated unions 17.000 (less than 2 %) of immigrant background (mostly in Services United Union (PAM), the Public Employees Union (JHL) and Metal Workers Union In service and public unions the number of immigrant members has risen because of active campaigning In STTK around 3000 immigrant members In Akava around 2000 immigrant members 20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow
Why join/not join a union? The membership of trade unions is open to all nowadays Obstacles Immigrants do not know about the unions, unions should be more active in campaigning among migrants Some unions do not want temporary workers to join – legal assistance offered only after 4 - 6 months of membership In the countries of origin joining the union was dangerous Language barriers Bw. immigrants and local employees Bw. shop stewards and immigrants immigrants wish more services in their native languages 20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow
Migrant workers interests represented in trade unions In SAK, STTK and Akava special working groups where migrant workers interests are discussed Several unions have similar groups Special training courses in trade union schools for immigrants SAK arranges once a year an immigrant forum where immigrant members discuss their matters and problems Biggest unions have officials who, at least part time, deal with immigrants´ problems Immigrant members in union boards immigrants as shop stewards, health and safety representatives and in other elected positions in many unions 20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow
Co-operation with public authorities, NGOs etc. Trade unions participate in governmental working groups (in drafting laws, give opinions to ministries and the Parliament, take part in official hearings etc.) The Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations (ETNO) is a broad-based expert body set up by the Finnish Government. Its purpose is to: promote interaction between Finlands ethnic minorities and the authorities, labour market organisations, NGOs and the political parties in Parliament, equally at the national, regional and local level, and provide the ministries with immigration policy expertise in the interests of furthering an ethnically equal and diversified society. 20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow
20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow Example: Organising migrant workers in the nuclear power plant Olkiluoto – by Finnish Electric workers union Olkiluoto is a huge construction site in western Finland Mostly foreign temporary workers (85 % of the workforce), large number of Polish workers Metal , Construction and Electric workers unions and PRO (STTK union) present in the construction site One Polish interpreter sent by unions work in Olkiluoto This summer 142 Polish workers joined the Electric workers union. Now two cases in the court with permission of the foreign members. Dispute is about wages. The union won the trust of foreign workers by helping other Polish workers in another construction site (Ideapark in 2006-2009) – the word spread around. Also Polish interpretation was an important element. 20.8.2008/xx SAK Today and Tomorrow