WP 3 coordination meeting Saclay 26-28.May 2008 2nd session String assembly WP 9 (in side cleanroom) 4 topic to be presented and discussed o Cleaning and hand over conditions ( update on Cavity transport) o Vacuum o Alignment of string o Control options ( QC QA)
XFEL Cryomodule Workshop Saclay Cleaning and hand over conditions A.Matheisen XFEL Cryomodule Workshop Saclay May 26 – 28 2008
Cleaning and hand over conditions News on Cavity Transportation system Actual hand over of Cavities @ DESY during Actual layout of CV transport frame / Insert Proposal on work steps to be done (from transport insert to class 10) Cleanliness conditions on infrastructure material “Personal” Baseline list of parts and hand over conditions
News on cavity transportation system a) Actual hand over of Cavities @ DESY Insert with Cavity Transportation cart (Fork lifter) Portable cleanroom
News on cavity transportation system b) Actual layout of CV transport frame / insert Transport- and test frame will be Loaded with cavities at company Transported to DESY Used for cavity test at DESY Transported to CEA Unloaded from cavities at CEA Send back to companies NEEDS PERFECT COORDINATION AND DEFINITION AT HAND OVER POSITIONS
News on cavity transportation system b) Actual layout of CV transport frame / Insert Local pumping line at place of installation Fork lifter connection Hand over Actual design of Cavity Test frame No Cavity frames on during test and transport !!
News on cavity transportation system Schematic of Vacuum system Vacuum connection on Cavities “Hand over” point Basic design issues: Central pumping line and UHV pumps are local !!
Proposal on work steps to be done transport insert to class 10 Install transport frame to “cavity delivery station” Install local cleanroom Connect Vacuum line under cleanroom cl 10 Open CV valves and control vacuum Close CV valves Control RF Vent main pump line and “pump circle” Dismount “pump circle” Remove local cleanroom Install frame to Cavity Remove CV from transport insert Car was cavity and dry it Control cleanliness Install CV to stock / power coupler installation place
News on cavity transportation system To be discussed 3 ways to clean parts Manually Clean each area with cleanroom wipers + alcohol Blowing with ionized air Cleanliness ok drawback: Time and man power consuming / risk of missing areas 2) US cleaning and rinsing US bath with water overflow and recirculation required Draw back: Separate rinsing bath required for fast removal of solvent Large amount of water (Design of basin/ size) 3) “car wash” / “dish washer” High pressure to remove particulates circulation of water Washes particulates away draw back: Not commercialized system ????
Cleanliness conditions on infrastructure Details on QC Talk N.Krupka
Cleanliness conditions on material
Cleanliness conditions on “Personal”
Baseline list of parts and hand over conditions Parts to deliver cleaning done by Transport Way Cavities WP 4 To be cleaned to cl 10 quality WP 9 SACLAY internal Bellows Gate valve No 2 WP 8 See talk H Remde Vacuum: L <1E-10 mbar l/sec Particulates: << Cl 10 ready for installation Boxes ? DESY to SACLAY BPM / Quad WP 11 as a unit BPM Quad Gate valve Vacuum: L <1E-10 P <1E-7 or vented Particulates: Box ? Under investigation
Baseline list of parts and hand over conditions (continue.) Parts to deliver condition cleaning done by Transport Way Bolts Nuts Washer Gaskets WP 9 Cleaned to << cl 10 Saclay Internal CEA Power coupler WP5 tested on test stands See discussion SACLAY ORSAY DESY See workshop Orsay to SACLAY Infra structure else conditioned to <<cl 10