Early Civilizations in Asia The Indus River Valley And China
The Indus River Valley Civilization Ancient India
Environmental Challenges Flooding Monsoons Mountains as barriers from invasion Indus River a link to the sea
Rivers of the Subcontinent Indus River Ganges River Indus-Ganges Plain (stretches 1,500 miles across northern India.)
Monsoons Seasonal Winds Winter monsoons blow dry air from October to May. Spring monsoons blow from the southwest starting in June bringing moisture from the ocean. Monsoons
Cities The largest cities were Kalibangan, Mohenjo-Daro, and Harappa. Cities were laid out on a precise grid system. The citadel (fortified area) contained the major buildings of the city.
Cities Residential areas Buildings made of uniform bricks Sophisticated plumbing and sewage Cities
Culture/Trade Artifacts Religion Economics Clay and Wooden Toys Early Shiva artifacts, Fertility images, Worship of cattle Stamp/Seals made of carved stone were used to identify goods. Long distance trade
The End of Indus Valley Culture No one is sure what happened to this early culture. No floods to provide water, overfarming, natural disaster, attack from enemies…???
River Dynasties in China
Geography China has many natural barriers Pacific Ocean Taklimakan Desert Plateau of Tibet Himalaya Mountains Gobi Desert Mongolian Plateau.
Huang He in the North (Yellow River) Major Rivers Huang He in the North (Yellow River) Yangtze in the central area of China
The Gobi Desert and the Yangtze River
Flooding (Huang He/ “China’s Sorrow” Challenges Flooding (Huang He/ “China’s Sorrow” Geographic isolation Invasions
Shang Dynasty Anyang capital Massive earth walls for protection Elaborate palaces Tombs
Shang Dynasty
Social Classes King Nobles Peasants
Family and Society Family was very important. The most important virtue was respect for one’s parents. Fathers made decisions; mothers were inferior. Marriages were arranged between the ages of 13 and 16. Women hoped to have sons to improve their station in life.
Religious Beliefs The spirits of family ancestors could bring good things or misfortunes. Every family member paid respect/sacrificed to the ancestors. Oracle Bones (animal bones or turtoise shells that priests scratched questions for the gods)
Writing Began with Oracle Bones. There were no links with China’s written and spoken language. Written language helped unify a large and diverse land. Enormous amount of characters—a different one for each idea—1,000 characters to be literate, 10,000 to be a scholar!
Artistry and Technology Bronzeworking- used in religious rituals or as symbols of power Silk Production- silk shoes were a symbol of civilization Weapons, jewelry, and religious items…
Zhou Overthrows Shang Declared that the Shang were such bad rulers that the gods had taken over away their rule Justification came from the Mandate of Heaven
Divine approval for a ruler and dynasty Mandate of Heaven Divine approval for a ruler and dynasty
Dynastic Cycles The rise, decline, and replacement of a dynasty Example: The Zhou overthrew the Shang
Nobles are granted land in exchange for loyalty and military service Feudalism Zhou Dynasty used this method to control different regions of the land
Iron (daggers, swords, knives, blades) Zhou Improvements Coined money Roads Canals Iron (daggers, swords, knives, blades)
Rise and Fall of Chinese Empires Qin Shihuangdi and the Qin Dynasty— Terra Cotta Soldiers The Great Wall of China Centralized Government Legalism
The Han Dynasty Confucianism took the place of harsh Legalism Civil Service Han Wudi Water mills and iron casting Rudder, rigging to sail into the wind Confucian Classics The Han Dynasty