Plant Structures and their Functions Objective: I will relate the following structures of the living organism to their functions: Plants: Basic parts of a plant 1. transpiration 2. absorption 3. response to stimulus
Importance of plants Without plants life on earth would not exist. Primary source of food for people and animals. Produces oxygen
Importance of Plants: Renews the air. Slows wind speed. Provides homes for wildlife. Beautifies our surroundings.
Importance of Plants: Helps keep us cool. Adds fragrance to the air. Furnishes building materials and fuel.
Parts of a plant Four basic parts leaves stems roots flowers
Leaves The food factory of the plant. produces the food used by the plant or stored for later use.
Shape and Size of Leaves Varies among plants. Used for identification of plants.
Leaf Arrangement alternate opposite whorled arranged in a circle around the stem.
External Leaf Structure Petiole - leaf stalk Leaf Blade (leaf) has veins forms structural framework of the leaf. Midrib large center vein from which all other leaf veins extend.
Margins Edges of the leaves Assists in the identification of plants.
Internal Leaf Structure Epidermis skin of the leaf single layer of cells protects the leaf from losing too much moisture.
Stoma or Stomata (Stomate or Stomates) Allows the plant to breathe and transpire. give off moisture
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll located inside the food making cells
Photosynthesis Process by which CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2O (water) in the presence of light are converted to sugar and oxygen.
Food Manufactured in the leaves and moves downward through the stem to the roots. Used by the plant to grow. Stored in the stem, root, and leaf in the form of sugar, starch or protein.
Respiration Plants respire (breathe) 24 hours a day Consume CO2 (carbon dioxide) and give off O2 (oxygen gas)
Stems Have two main functions; Movement of water and minerals from the roots upward. Movement of manufactured food downward.
Stem functions Supports the leaves used for food storage. Green stems manufacture food just as leaves do. A reproductive structure for plants that involve cuttings.
Internal Stem Structure phloem- bark, carries manufactured foods down. xylem- wood, carries water and minerals up. cambium- separates the 2 and produces all new cells.
Roots Usually underground Functions of the root: Anchors plant and holds upright. Absorbs water and minerals from the soil. Stores food for later use.
Root Structure Internal part of the root; similar to stems older roots have xylem, phloem, and cambium.
Root Structure External part of the root; Root Cap/Tap Root Protects the root when pushing through the soil due to growth. Small roots and root hairs absorb moisture and minerals
Functions other than water and mineral absorption Cash crops for food carrots beets radishes sweet potatoes Propagation
Type of root systems fibrous-grasses easier transplanting shorter, smaller, more compact tap root-carrot longer and fewer roots
Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds Pollination Color of flower attracts insects to help fertilize the flower. Beginning of the fruit and seed formation Fruits and seeds are attractive to birds who eat and spread seeds. Some seeds are carried on animal coats. Reproduces new plants
Parts of the Flower Differ in size, shape, color, and some basic parts. Sepal green leaf-like part, covers and protects the bud before opening
Parts of the Flower Petals are actually leaves usually bright colors to attract pollinating insects
Parts of the Flower Stamens male part of a flower has two parts filament stalk
Parts of the Flower Anther sac-like structure on top of the filament that contains pollen
Parts of the Flower Carpel/Pistil female part center of the flower three parts Stigma - top and is sticky Style - tube leading from stigma to the ovary Ovary egg cells develop here grows to become fruit or seed coat
Types of Flowers complete contains 4 main parts incomplete does not have all 4 main parts perfect has stamens and pistils imperfect lacks stamens or pistils
Information and Study guide for “Functions and Structures of a Plant” assessment.
Functions of a Leaf Produces the food used by the plant or stored for later use. Identification of a plant uses the different shapes, size, and margins. Arrangement
Functions of a Stem Two main functions Movement of water and minerals from the roots upward. Movement of manufactured food downward.
Functions of a Root Anchors the plant and holds it upright. Asorbs water and minerals from the soil. Stores food for later use.
Functions of a Flower Pollination must occur in order for a plant to reproduce into a new plant, fruit, or vegetable.
Plant Functions and Structures Assessment Study Guide True/False and Multiple Choice Question topics Function and Structure information and Text Feature Importance of Plants Photosynthesis Pollination Identification of Leaves Size, shape, margins, and arrangement. Internal stem Structure Root System Fibrous and Tap Basic information of a Leaf and a labeled text feature. Basic information of a Stm and a labeled text feature. Basic information of a Root and a labeled text feature. Basic information of a Flower and a labeled text feature.