back in the air overview airline wants to decrease turnaround time each group member receives a bonus for each minute turnaround time is decreased each chooses how many minutes to save player incurs cost per minute personally saved actual decrease in turnaround is smallest time savings amongst all group members airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9
game screen current round/total rounds 9 airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9
game screen turnaround-time reduction bonus (per minute) 9 airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9
game screen your cost per minute you save 9 airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9
game screen choose minutes you will save 9 airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9
game screen then press SUBMIT 9 airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9
game screen history of previous choices 9 airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9
back in the air happy playing! payoff example per-minute bonus=$2; per-minute cost=$1 you save 5 minutes others save 3, 4, 5, and 6 minutes bonus: each receives 3 x $2 = $6 your cost: 5 x $1 = $5 payoff: $6 - $5 =$1 airplane! 9A Playground for Decisions 9