LIBRARY URKUND HELP Welcome to the Urkund Help online presentation.
What is URKUND? URKUND is an online text-matching tool made available to all University of Canberra students to assist with raising the quality and integrity of students’ assignments. URKUND checks text against the internet, archives and databases and reports any similarities – highlighting the similar text and identifying sources. The text-matching process is automated and it can take up to 48 hours for a report to be produced. This time factor needs to be considered when using URKUND to check assignments before submission for assessment. What is Urkund? URKUND is an online text-matching tool made available to all University of Canberra students to assist with raising the quality and integrity of students’ assignments. URKUND checks texts against the internet, archives and databases and reports any similarities – highlighting the similar text and identifying sources. The text-matching process is automated and it can take up to 48 hours for a report to be produced. This time factor needs to be considered when checking assignments before submission.
How to Use URKUND URKUND can be accessed from the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) on all student moodles, and may be available as part of the assignment submission facility in some unit moodles (varies from subject to subject as this is a decision made by the subject convenor). This presentation focusses on using URKUND via AIM. How to use Urkund URKUND can be accessed from the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) on all student moodles, and may be available as part of the assignment submission facility in some unit moodles (varies from subject to subject as this is a decision made by the subject convenor). This presentation focusses on using URKUND via AIM.
Click Text-matching - URKUND Log into your student moodle and click on the Academic Integrity Module (AIM). Click the icon labelled “text-matching – URKUND”.
Click Want to try URKUND? Upload your assignment here
Click Add submission Click “add submission”.
Click to tick the certification box. (Note – this is a required step.) Read this information. Unless you follow the steps to “opt-out” your assignment will be added to the sources checked by URKUND. The opt-out link is available via the file processed email sent by URKUND, and via the URKUND report screen that displays on your Moodle when the file has been processed. Click to tick the certification box. (Note – this is a required step.) Click “Add” to upload your assignment file. Read through the information in bold type. This information tells you that your assignment will be added to the sources checked by URKUND unless you actively “opt-out” from having your work added to the sources. The instructions on how you can “opt-out” come via a confirmation of receipt email sent as part of the URKUND text-matching process. Read through the certification information. Ticking the certification box is a required step in UC’s URKUND text-matching process. Click on “add” to add your assignment file.
Browse to find your file Click Upload this file Browse to find your assignment file. Select the file then click “upload this file”.
Click Save changes to upload your assignment to URKUND. Click “save changes” as the final step in uploading your assignment to URKUND.
Three emails will be sent to your UC email account: 1. Assignment submission confirmation from LearnOnline (Moodle) 2. Confirmation of receipt email from URKUND 3. File processed email from URKUND – your URKUND report is ready to view. The date and time indicate when your assignment was submitted to URKUND. When your file has been submitted the date and time of submission will appear on the screen. Three emails will be sent to your UC email account – an assignment submission confirmation from LearnOnline (Moodle); a confirmation of receipt from URKUND; and a file processed email from URKUND indicating that your URKUND report is ready to view. The emails include links to exempt your document from being added to the URKUND database of text-checking sources.
Click here to view the URKUND report. Click here to opt out of having your assignment included in the database of sources checked by URKUND. Click here to view the URKUND report. When your file has been processed by URKUND you can click on the URKUND link to view the text-matching report. You can also click on Opt-out to exempt your document from being added to the URKUND database of sources.
Text-matching report summary List of sources that contain text that URKUND has matched to text in the submitted document. Text-matching report summary The proportion of the highlighted text that matches the text in the identified source. Details of the source of the text and the text that matches the highlighted text in the document. This screen shows an URKUND text-matching report. The top left-hand side of the report shows the submission details and a summary of the text-matching report. The top right-hand side of the report shows a list of the sources that contain text that was matched to text in the submitted document. The bottom left-hand side of the report shows the submitted document and highlights the text that has been matched, indicating the proportion of the highlighted text that matches the text in the identified source. The bottom right-hand side of the report shows the identified source and relevant text. The text that was matched with a source checked by URKUND.
Click on the coloured strip to reveal the text that has been matched and the source of the matched text. Click on the coloured strips on the left-hand side of the document to reveal the text that has been matched and the source of the matched text. The colour of the highlight represents the similarity of the text to the identified source. The light colour indicates a low similarity and the dark colour indicates a high similarity. The colour of the highlight represents the similarity of the text to the identified source – low (light) to high (dark).
Examples of References being text-matched by URKUND It is up to you as the reviewer of the URKUND text-matching report to determine the meaning of the report, and decide upon the actions that need to be taken. Some of the highlighted text may be your Reference List.
Use your own judgment when viewing the report. Check your in-text citations, phrasing of ideas and references. Note that the text-matching process is an automated process and you may have used sources that were not included in the sources checked by URKUND. Some of the highlighted text may be referenced appropriately with in-text citations. Some of the highlighted text may indicate that you need to rephrase some of the text or add the source of the ideas in the text. In addition to highlighted text there may be a lack of highlighted text even though the document includes in-text citations and references. This may indicate that the sources used in the document are not included in the sources checked by URKUND.
More … Click Edit submission to delete a submitted file, and to add a new file. Save your changes. Follow any prompts to tick the certification box. You can delete assignment files by clicking Edit submission then clicking on the file, and clicking delete and save changes. You can add another assignment file by clicking Edit submission and clicking Add as indicated earlier in this presentation. More information about URKUND is available from the URKUND webpage on the Library’s website.