Pontypridd High School Year 11 Preparation Evening 2017-18
What to expect from tonight. Individual Timing’s for tonight Calendar of important dates for the year ahead. Tips on how to support your child over the coming months. Talks from English & Maths teachers based on your child’s current working grade and recent examination results What you can expect from us as a school over the coming year- with particular attention given to the next 7 weeks. Your evening will be specific to your child 5.30PM- Talk in Main Hall 5.45PM Math’s Talk- Mr Ivins Room 301 6.00PM English Talk- Mrs Marvelley Main Hall EXAMPLE
Revision Tips Supporting your Child Here are five evidence-based tips on how to learn: Organise yourself Recent studies confirm that if you want to study effectively, you should spread out your revision rather than cramming. This is easier said than done, but if you are organised enough, you can spend less time revising and remember more. 2. Make sure you fail occasionally The moral is clear: invest some time in trying things out, which may mean failing occasionally, if you want to maximise learning in the long run. 3. Practise the thing you'll be tested on Writing exam answers is a skill, just like playing an online game is a skill. You wouldn't try and improve at a game by trying to memorise moves, you'd practise making them. Other research confirms that practising retrieving information is one of the best ways to ensure you remember it. 4. Structure information, don't try to remember it Trying to remember something has been shown to have almost no effect on whether you do remember it. The implication for revision is clear: just looking at your notes won't help you learn them. Instead, you need to reorganise the information in some way – whether by making notes of your notes, thinking about how what you're reading relates to other material, or practising writing answers. This approach, called "depth of processing", is the way to ensure material gets lodged in your memory. 5. Rest and sleep New research shows that a brief rest after learning something can help you remember it a week later. Other experiments have shown that a full night's sleep helps you learn new skills or retain information. Even napping can help consolidate your memories, and maybe even make you more creative. This is great news for those of us who like to nap during the day, and is a signal to all of us that staying up all night to revise probably isn't a good idea.
This outlines any significant events/dates in the coming months. Pontypridd High School This outlines any significant events/dates in the coming months. Other events will be added and you will be emailed/ sent an updated copy in the post. Important Dates Subject/Event Date Year 11 Preparation Night 13th September 2017 Year 11 Morning Mentoring & Afterschool Revision start WB 11/09/2017 School Data Capture Wednesday 12th October 2017 Math’s Revision Lessons 1-4 Wednesday 25th October 2017 Half Term 30/10/2017-03/11/2017 Numeracy Paper 1 Monday 6th November 9AM English Revision Monday 6th November Lessons 3-5 English Unit 2 Exam Tuesday 7th November 9AM Numeracy Paper 2 Wednesday 8th November 9AM English Unit 3 Revision Wednesday 8th November Lessons 3-5 English Unit 3 Exam Thursday 9th November 9AM
This outlines any significant events/dates in the coming months. Pontypridd High School This outlines any significant events/dates in the coming months. Other events will be added and you will be emailed/ sent an updated copy in the post. Important Dates Subject/Event Date Maths P1 Revision Thursday 9th November Lessons 3-5 Maths P1 Exam Friday 10th November 9AM Maths P2 Revision Friday 10th November Lessons 3-5 Maths P2 Exam Monday 13th November 9AM Maths and English department will give you a more specific list of internal assessments etc when you visit.
Pontypridd High School Mr I Ally Well Being and Attendance Manager allya@pontyhigh.co.uk Contact Us Mr R Ivins Head Of Mathematics IvinsR@pontyhigh.co.uk Miss K Moses Assistant Head mosesk@pontyhigh.co.uk Mrs Samuel-Jones Standards Manager Year 11 jonesc@pontyhigh.co.uk Mrs C Marvelley Head Of English MarvelleyC@pontyhigh.co.uk Miss K Prichard eFSM Standards Manager PrichardK@pontyhigh.co.uk Mrs K Stockman Head Of Science RoughK@pontyhigh.co.uk
Pontypridd High School Notes