Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) Four Year Scholarship Marine Option Program
NROTC Mission To educate and train highly qualified young men and women for careers as commissioned officers in the United States Marine Corps.
The Benefits Pays full tuition! Provides stipend for books Provides leadership opportunities Structured academic environment $250.00-$450.00 per month stipend (freshman-senior years, increasing ~$50 per year) Some universities will help with room and board Up to $180,000!!!
Eligibility Requirements U. S. Citizen 17-23 years of age Be physically qualified by USMC standards No moral disqualifications Minimum PFT score of 175
Eligibility Requirements (Continued) Be a high school graduate. Minimum of 1000 SAT (critical reading and math combined) or 22 ACT (composite), or a minimum of 74 on the Armed Services Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB). Be admitted to a participating NROTC college or university Have no criminal record of military or civilian offenses
Participating Schools 70 + colleges and universities 100+ “cross-town affiliate” schools (attend your preferred school that does not have NROTC, so long as you are accepted to, and attend, an NROTC program at a nearby college). Schools in over 34 states and the District of Columbia All schools are highly ranked
Participating Schools Large and well known - UC Berkeley - Stanford - U of San Diego - UC Davis - MIT - UCLA - Florida State - Virginia Tech - USC - Pennsylvania - Notre Dame - Oregon St - Texas - Florida - Harvard - Colorado - Washington - Cornell - Penn State - Duke
Obligation Upon graduation you will be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the USMC You will be required to fulfill four years of active duty service in the USMC upon graduation. Flight training guarantees require additional active duty obligated time
Obligation (continued) Q: What if I am disenrolled OR I decide I no longer want to be in the program? A: After the first day of your sophomore year, you will be required to serve a two year active duty enlisted tour or pay recoupment of all tuition dollars. Should you terminate before your first day of your sophomore year, there is NO reimbursement obligation in either service time or dollars.
Summer Training First summer, “Cortramid” (Core Training for Midshipmen) At conclusion of Freshman year, designed to help individual confirm in their mind what Service they want, Navy or Marine Corps option. Broad-scoped view of Navy and Marines Time on submarines (including underway) Time on ships (including time underway) Marine/Navy aviation (includes aircraft rides) Time at Marines’ Camp Pendleton Weapons live-fire training Urban warfare (mock takedown of combat town) Road marches (day and night) Small-unit tactics, patrols, ambushes, etc *approximately 4 weeks
Summer Training Second summer, Marine-specific training “MCMWTC” – Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport, Ca. Mountain survival skills and field craft Small-unit tactics and movement through mountainous terrain between 6k and 12k feet elev. Demonstration of learned skills through tactical leadership situations “CAX” – Combined Arms Exercise, Twentynine Palms, California Desert environment Integration of air and artillery assets in support of ground ops; convoy ops, etc Jump school 3-4 weeks
Summer Training Third summer, “OCS,” Officer Candidate School, Quantico, Virginia Academics 25%, Physical training 25%, Leadership 50% Academics: Weapons, Military Subjects, Tactics, Compass Course, Drill, Land navigation, Leadership, History Physical training: Physical Fitness Test, Combat Readiness Test, Obstacle Course, Endurance Course Leadership: Leadership Readiness Course, Small-Unit Leadership Evaluations, Command Evaluation Successful completion of six-week OCS course qualifies candidate for commission upon college graduation.
Officers Candidate School Six Weeks at Quantico, VA Candidate Evaluations Leadership Abilities Challenging Program Physically And Mentally
How To Apply Go to and complete the online application. Once fully complete, ensure you click “submit.” Take the SAT or ACT, requesting that one of the three agencies to receive your scores be “Marine NROTC, Code 0656” Apply to any of the eligible NROTC colleges or universities. To look at which schools offer NROTC programs go to
How To Apply (Continued) Complete the online application package Transcripts Three teacher evaluations (Counselor, English and Coach/Other)(recruiters will assist you with this) Two Marine officer interviews Physical Fitness Test results SAT/ACT/ASVAB scores
How To Apply (Continued) Physical Fitness Test: MALES Maximum score: Pull-Ups 20 100pts Crunches 100 (in 2 min) 100pts 3 Mile Run 18:00 100pts Average score for applicants is 259 out of 300
How To Apply (Continued) Physical Fitness Test: FEMALES Maximum score: Flex Arm Hang 70 Sec 100pts Crunches 100 (in 2 min) 100pts 3 Mile Run 21:00 100pts Average score for FY17 female applicants was 230 out of 300
Selection Boards Two Marine Option NROTC Boards: Early Board – held Mid November (Need your entire application by 13 October) Regular Board – held Mid February (Need your entire application by 15 Jan)
Selection Criteria SAT/ACT Scores Class Standing Cumulative GPA Athletics and extracurricular activities Student Government/Leadership Community service/employment Two Marine officer interview results Three teacher evaluations’ comments Two essay questions
FY17 Average Winner Stats Recruiting Station Los Angeles 5 scholarships awarded = 1 million dollars GPA: 3.87 PFT: 274 SAT: 1300 ACT: 26
More information can be found at: Questions? Staff Sergeant Smith (661) 222-2937 (661) 917-5852 More information can be found at: