106 Data Structure Homework 1 2017/10/30
Prefix expression Write a C function that transforms an infix expression into its prefix equivalent (60%) Sample Input : a + b * c / ( d - e ) Sample Output : + a / * b c – d e Write two C functions that transforms an infix expression into its prefix and postfix with 5 operators and 6 operands all are random(40%) For example : Random range : 0~9 : operands : operators Random Input: 5 – 3 + 2 * 4 + 5 - 6 Prefix Output : - + + - 5 3 * 2 4 5 6 Postfix Output: 5 3 – 2 4 * + 5 + 6 -
Prefix expression Send code and result (printscreen) a1193223911@gmail.com Deadline 2017/11/20 12:00 (HW1) 學號 系級 名字 (with rar format) 抄襲嚴懲 , 請打上註解不然斟酌扣分