Retention and Student engagement in the flipped classroom I’ll Flip You for It!! Retention and Student engagement in the flipped classroom
What does “Flipped” mean? When you hear the words “flipped classroom” what do you envision?
Thoughts on flipping? Statements I’ve heard from the academic side: Do I need to change everything at once? Doesn’t it take a lot of work to flip? How nice, you don’t have to prepare a lecture everyday…. My classes are too big! Flipping only works in small classes.
Thoughts on flipping? Statements I’ve heard from the student side: Oh it’s a cop out; the professor isn’t doing anything except wandering around and isn’t teaching me anything. I’m not getting my money’s worth because there’s no lecture! I have to do a lot of work for this class that I didn’t plan on doing…..
Go large or go home? Start small: Reading/video viewing/pre-class activities that are qualitatively or quantitatively evaluated Interactive activities with small, informal groups interspersed with lectures Demo days or a field trips In- or out- of class projects
Go large or go home? Or completely flip your course using a published methodology (with a few examples): Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Peer Lead Team Learning (PLTL) Team Based Learning (TBL) Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT)
Important tenets no matter how you flip! Clear information for the students about the objectives Accountability Immediate feedback so students don’t carry misconceptions forward in their work.
Examples of Accountability and Immediate Feedback Clicker quizzes at the beginning of class over new material Just-in-time questions (online before class) covering reading assignments Readiness Assurance Tests using an Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) form
So let’s start small Is there a topic you’d like your students to get some practical experience working on?
Why did I flip? My teaching experience Philosophy U.S. Army Chemical School United States Military Academy at West Point University of Florida Daytona State College Philosophy Active engagement with students!
My Flipping Vehicle Team Based Learning “Definition: Team-Based Learning is an evidence based collaborative learning teaching strategy designed around units of instruction, known as “modules,” that are taught in a three-step cycle: preparation, in-class readiness assurance testing, and application-focused exercise.”
How I use TBL My classes: Between 20 – 60 students; groups are ~6 students, no roles I teach Introductory Chemistry, and General Chemistry I and II. I provide focused information in the learning management system and for Gen. Chem I and II, in the online homework system
How I use TBL Each course is broken into 4 learning modules of similar concepts Detailed study guide for each chapter – includes pre- class preparation and post-class homework (online in Gen Chem I and II Vocabulary exercises Calendar information by class day, including reading and video lecture assignments Consolidated study guide for each module
How I use TBL During class: After class: Low value initial assessment of student learning taken both individually and with their group Practical exercises done with the group to reinforce what they studied before class After class: Follow-on work from the textbook and/or review of reading assignments and/or videos
How I use TBL At the end of a module: Practical assessment of knowledge using a task (with a written solution) – this is a group assignment that is also individually assessed Module exam – comprehensive test of module concepts taken both individually and with their group Peer surveys – anonymous feedback, required at the end of modules 1, 2, and 3
Efficacy of the flipped classroom So is it worth the work? Does active learning increase student engagement? Does active learning increase student knowledge? Does active learning increase retention of students in a program? Do my students perform poorly because of the teaching method? What exactly does active learning accomplish?
Does Active Learning Increase Student Knowledge? Comparison of historical exam scores for Introduction to Chemistry
Does Active Learning Increase Retention? Comparison of historical retention rates for Introduction to Chemistry
Comparison with Peers Comparison of historical ABC rates for Introduction to Chemistry
Conclusions Students are definitely more engaged with the material; better attendance and attention This method does not work for all students, but it does work well for most Student performance has not declined and may be increasing This method does not decrease time spent teaching, preparing, or grading
References (accessed 10/27/2016) (accessed 10/27/2016) (accessed 10/27/2016) Thayer, W. S. "Teaching And Practise." Science 43.1116 (1916): 691-705. Web. Hallberg, Sara. An Alternate Approach in the Application of the Thayer Concept of Teaching (n.d.): n. pag. An Alternate Approach in the Application of the Thayer Concept of Teaching. United States Military Academy. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. Pennington, Richard L., David P. Purcell, and Joseph C. Sloop. "Engaging Students in Science Courses by Re-visiting the Thayer Method." Engaging Students in Science Courses by Re-visiting the Thayer Method. Georgia Gwinnett College, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. Jensen, J. L., T. A. Kummer, and P. D. D. M. Godoy. "Improvements from a Flipped Classroom May Simply Be the Fruits of Active Learning." Cell Biology Education 14.1 (2015): n. pag. Web. 2 Nov. 2016.