Flipped Classrooms A Case Study Autar Kaw kaw@usf.edu University of South Florida KSU Workshop at USF, Tampa FL, Monday August 3, 2015
What is a flipped classroom? Transmission in class and assimilation at home Transmission at home and assimilation in class Source: CTL, University of Washington
Another View Source: Flipping the Classroom: Flipping a Lesson Using Bloom's Taxonomy: Bill Vilberg: University of Miami
On the Bloom’s Taxonomy Source: Inverting the classroom, improving student learning: Robert Talbert
Before, In, and After Before Class In Class After Class
What happens BEFORE class?
Assign video lectures before class
What is done before class at home? Assign reading assignment.
What graded assignments are given before class? Automatically graded quizzes are assigned
What graded assignments are given before class? What did you not understand about the assigned chapter?
What other resources are available to students before and after class? PowerPoints are available
What other resources are available to students before class? Multiple choice questions with complete solutions are available
What other resources are available to students before class? Simulations of methods are available.
What other resources are available to students before class? Piazza is used as a discussion board
What happens IN class?
Ask clicker questions 10-15 minutes: Clickers are used for quizzes
Clicker Question Routes Source: The inverted classroom and peer instruction: designing classes for meaningful learning experiences: Robert Talbert
Give micro-lectures 10-15 minutes: Micro-lectures are based on the questions asked.
Outline in-class exercises 10-15 minutes: Advanced exercises on higher order thinking?
What happens AFTER class?
Assignments and help! Take another automatically graded algorithmic quiz on CANVAS Complete and submit higher-order thinking exercise for grading. Continue discussion on Piazza. Answers given via text, videos, links, Livescribe pen, and ShowMe App.
Lessons Learned
Does it Take More Time? “3 hours in class equates to 9 hours out of class”” Current Pre-work Reading Direct Teaching In-class lecture Engaged Learning without Instructor Homework, project, study…
Does it Take More Time? “3 hours in class equates to 9 hours out of class” Flip Model Pre-work Quiz Pre-HW Reading Direct Teaching Video Engaged Learning with Instructor Continued Engaged Learning without Instructor Homework, project, study…
Should I assess differently?
Take several semesters to implement Flip a whole topic Flip one-third of the course Flip two-thirds of the course Flip the whole course.
Good Resources Effective Teaching on Flipping Video Series http://engineeringx.pitt.edu/eerc/abetworkshop/ A Three-Year Study on Flipped Classrooms http://bit.ly/1SK2QBK Robert Talbert Flipping Workshop http://www.slideshare.net/rtalbert/flipping-the-classroom-dc Four Things I wish I had Known Before Flipping http://chronicle.com/blognetwork/castingoutnines/2014/06/05/four-things-i-wish-id-known-about-the-flipped-classroom/ A Guide to Flipped Classrooms http://chronicle.com/article/A-Guide-to-the-Flipped/151039/
Flipped Classrooms A Case Study QUESTIONS? Autar Kaw kaw@usf.edu