Who Wants to Be a Lion? -An Orientation Program- Created By: Marv Goodyk, PDG, MD-9 Adapted for MD-27 by: Dan Geske, PDG and Tom Clausen, PDG Rev. 8/2013 More Informed
Click through the slides to view the questions and then the answers. This series of slides will give you a history of where we came from. (Use your space bar, right or down arrow key to advance. Wait for items to fly in.)
Place In Order Place these geographical areas in order from the earliest to the most recent, indicating when the first Lions club was formed. –Australia –Canada –Europe –Japan –Panama –USA
Answer: USA – 1911 Canada – 1920 (Windsor, Ont.) Panama – 1935 (First in Central America) Australia – 1947 Europe – 1948 Japan
Lions Clubs began in what city? A. Evansville, Indiana B. Chicago, Illinois C. Dallas, Texas D. Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Answer: Lions Clubs began in (A.) Evansville, Indiana
Lions Clubs were first formed by : A. Helen Keller B. Frank Birch C. Dr. W.P. Woods D. Melvin Jones
Answer: The International Association of Lions was officially formed by (C.) Dr. W. P. Woods on Oct. 25, The history of Lionism begins on Oct. 18, 1911, when Woods incorporated the Royal Order of Lions in Indiana. Research shows that Woods was the originator, founder and owner of the International Association of Lions.
In June 1917, Melvin Jones met with his Chicago business club, the Business Circle, thinking that they should expand their horizons from purely professional concerns to the betterment of their communities and the world at large. Later that summer, he asked Dr. Woods if his club could join the Lions organization.
The first national convention was held in what city? A. Evansville, Indiana B. Chicago, Illinois C. Dallas, Texas D. Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Answer: The first National Convention of Lions Clubs was held in (C.) Dallas, Texas on October 9-10 of 1917 with 36 delegates representing 22 clubs from 9 states. All of the clubs attending this convention called themselves founders. This is how Melvin Jones probably became known as the founder of Lions.
The organizations first President elected in Dallas was: A. Dr. W.P. Woods B. Frank V. Birch C. Helen Keller D. Melvin Jones
Answer: (A.) Dr. W.P. Woods of Evansville, Indiana was elected as the first president. Melvin Jones was named the acting secretary. Jones never served as the organizations president, but was instrumental in building the Lions organization to such a degree that his reputation as the initial founder is hard to surpress.
The first International club was formed in what country? A. Cuba B. Canada C. China D. Mexico
Answer: Lions clubs became International in 1920 when the first club was established in Windsor, Ontario, (B.) Canada. Clubs were later organized in Mexico, China and Cuba.
In 1925, Helen Keller addressed the Lions International convention and challenged the Lions to become: A. Crusaders for the Blind B. Knights for the Deaf C. Knights of the Blind D. Crusaders against Deafness
Answer: Helen Keller addressed the Lions at the International Convention in 1925 challenging the Lions to become (C.)Knights of the Blind in the crusade against darkness.
The 1925 convention, when Helen Keller challenged the Lions was held in what city? A. Chicago, Illinois B. Windsor, Ontario, Canada C. Dallas, Texas D. Cedar Point, Ohio
Answer: Helen Keller addressed the Lions at the International Convention in 1925 held in (D.) Cedar Point, Ohio, challenging the Lions to become knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.
The Lions Clubs International motto is: A. Knights of the Blind B. We Serve C. Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations Safety D. We Serve Too
Answer: The Lions motto is (B.) We Serve. It was adopted at the 1954 International Convention after being selected from over 6,000 suggestions submitted by members from around the world.
The official colors of Lions Clubs International are: A. Purple and Gold B. Blue and Gold C. Green and White D. Red, White & Blue
Answer: The official colors of Lions Clubs International are (A.) Purple and Gold. Purple represents loyalty to country, friends, to ones self and to the integrity of mind and heart. It is the color of strength, courage and dedication to a cause. Gold symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgment, purity in life and generosity in mind, heart and commitment to mankind. Dark blue is often used in the place of purple.
The Lions Clubs International slogan is: A. Liberty, Industry, Our Nations Safety B. Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations Safety C. Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations Security D. Liberty, Intelligence, Our Neighbors Safety
Answer: (B.) Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations Safety is the slogan that was adopted at the 1919 National Convention.
The Lions Clubs International Headquarters is located in what city? A. Dallas, Texas B. Ames, Iowa C. Chicago, Illinois D. Oak Brook, Illinois
Answer: The Lions Club International Headquarters is located at 300 W. 22 nd Street in (D.) Oak Brook, Illinois.
The official publication of Lions Clubs International which is mailed to all members is: A. Whos Who B. The Lion C. Wisconsin Lion D. The Lions Quest
Answer The official magazine of Lions Clubs International is (B.) The Lion. It was established in November It is currently published in 20 different languages. (English, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Flemish-French, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Turkish)
The official Lions Club International Web Site is: A. lionsintl.org B. lionsnet.net C. lionsclubs.org D. lionsclubs.com
Answer: The official web site of Lions Clubs International is (C.) lionsclubs.org.
The International President, Barry Palmer is from: A. Hawaii B. England C. Australia D. Canada
Answer: (C.) Berowra, NSW, Australia is the home of International President Barry Palmer.
How many International Vice- Presidents are there? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
Answer: There are (B.) two (2) International Vice Presidents. The Second Vice President is elected at the International Convention and then advances to First Vice President the following year. The year after, they are elected as International President.
The International Board of Directors consists of how many directors? A. 16 B. 24 C. 34 D. 45
Answer: The officers of the International Association of Lions Clubs include the President, Immediate Past- President, First Vice- President, Second Vice-President and (C.) 34 Directors representing various areas of the world. Each director serves a 2 year term with approximately ½ elected each year.
Place in order from the most recent to the earliest, the last 6 International Directors from MD27 - Wisconsin. Peter Cerniglia Ron Duffe Wayne Heiman Mark Hintzman Phil Ingwell Art Marcin
Answer: Mark Hintzman Art Marcin Wayne Heiman Peter Cerniglia Ron Duffe Phil Ingwell
Most clubs are part of a district which is usually comprised of at least: A. 30 clubs B. 35 clubs C. 40 clubs D. 45 clubs
Answer: Most Lions clubs are part of a district which is usually comprised of at least (B.) 35 clubs.
A district must consist of at least: A members B members C members D members
Answer: A district must consist of at least (B.) 1,250 members. If its membership falls below that level, the district is considered to be a transitional district. A transitional district will have an appointed District Governor rather than elected.
The chief administrative officer for the district is: A. The District Leader B. The District Chairman C. The District Governor D. The District President
Answer: The (C.) District Governor serves as the chief administrative officer for the district. He or she is elected to a one year term at the district convention and takes office at the close of the International Convention.
An optional position on the District Cabinet, whose duties would include supervising two or more zones is: A. Region Chairman B. Vice District Governor C. Cabinet Secretary D. Zone Chairman
Answer: The (A.) Region Chair is an optional position. They are usually appointed by the District Governor, however in some districts they are elected. The duties of the Region Chair include supervising the Zone Chairs in the region, supervising district committees as assigned, organizing new clubs and strengthening weak clubs.
Which of the following does not need to have its own By-laws and Constitution? A. Multiple District B. Zone C. District D. Club
Answer: The (B.) Zone does not have a Constitution and By-laws. However, every club, district and multiple district should have a constitution and by-laws to govern their respective activities. These constitutions and by-laws may not conflict with the International constitution and by-laws.
The custodian of club property and the sergeant-at-arms of club meetings is the: A. Tail Twister B. Immediate Past President C. Club Secretary D. Lion Tamer
Answer: The (D.) Lion Tamer serves as the custodian of club property. Duties include being responsible for club property such as (flags, banners, gavel, etc.) serving as a sergeant-at-arms during club meetings and distributing materials at the meetings.
An activity that is sponsored by a Lions club to provide young men and women with an opportunity to service is: A. Lions Quest B. Leo Club C. Sight First D. LCIF
Answer: A (B.) Leo Club is an activity that is sponsored by a Lions club to provide young men and women with an opportunity to serve. Leo clubs can be either school affiliated or community based.
Lions Clubs International officially admitted Women as members in: A B C D. 1988
Answer: Even though women were not officially excluded at the very beginning, Lions Clubs International became the first service club to admit women as members in (C.) 1987.
The Charitable Arm of Lions Clubs International is: A. LEO B. LCIF C. WLF D. LCI
Answer: Lions Clubs International Foundation (B.) LCIF is the charitable arm of Lions Clubs International. It was chartered in 1968 to support the efforts of Lions clubs around the world in serving their local communities and the world community through humanitarian service, major disaster relief and vocational assistance programs.
The aggressive global initiative that mobilized Lions resources at all levels, responding to world-wide needs for prevention of blindness is: A. Lions Quest B. Leo C. Youth Outreach D. Sight First
Answer: (D.) Sight First was the aggressive global initiative that mobilized Lions resources at all levels, responding to world-wide needs for prevention of blindness. Sight First grants supported projects in both developing and developed countries. It has provided over 1 million cataract surgeries, started eye health programs, built hospitals and trained personnel.
A youth outreach program that emphasizes drug awareness prevention through education is: A. Lions Quest B. Leo C. LCIF D. International Youth Exchange
Answer: The (A.) Lions Quest Skills for Growing (K-5), Skills for Adolescence (6-8) and Skills for Action (high school) teach youth how to make healthy decisions and say no to drug abuse and other negative behaviors. All three also include community service and violence prevention/conflict resolution components.
The newest LCIF grant program is the Core 4 which provides up to ___?___ US dollars for high impact Lions service projects. A. 100,000 B. 200,000 C. 250,000 D. 1,000,000
Answer: The newest LCIF grant program is the Core 4 which provides up to (B.) 200,000 US dollars for high impact Lions Service projects. The Core 4 grant addresses the larger humanitarian needs in communities where Lions serve. They are limited to preserving eye sight, combating disabilities, promoting health, and serving youth.
Which of the following is not a LCIF grant? A. Core 4 B. Melvin Jones Fellowship C. Emergency Grant D. Major International Service Program
Answer: The (B.) Melvin Jones Fellowship is not a LCIF grant.
The highest form of recognition for LCIF donors is: A. Birch-Sturm Fellowship B. Ray Hempel Fellowship C. Knight of Sight Fellowship D. Melvin Jones Fellowship
Answer: The highest form of recognition for LCIF donors is the (D.) Melvin Jones Fellowship. The Birch- Sturm Fellowship is Wisconsin recognition given with much the same criteria, but by the Birch- Sturm Memorial Foundation. The Knight of Sight Fellowship is given by the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin and the Ray Hempel Fellowship is the newest fellowship, given by Lions Pride. All are received after a $1,000 donation is given to the respective foundation.
The Lions of Wisconsin make up what is known as: A. MD-27A B. WI-27 C. MD27 D. LCI-27
Answer: The Lions of Wisconsin make up what is known as (C.) MD27 which represents the 27th Multiple District of Lions Clubs International.
The first Lions Club in Wisconsin was located in: A. Stevens Point B. Milwaukee C. Madison D. Burlington
Answer: The first Lions Club in Wisconsin was organized in (B.) Milwaukee on June 10, It evolved into Milwaukee Central Lions Club. Unfortunately, this club dropped its Charter in The second oldest club was organized in Racine. Both clubs received their Charters on November 9, 1921.
When did Wisconsin become a full independent District? A B C D. 1924
Answer: Wisconsin Lions became their own District in (B.) 1922 at the International Convention in Hot Springs, Arkansas. However, it took a full year to reclaim the western border strip from District 5, Minnesota.
The first State Convention Wisconsin held as an independent District was on May 15-16, In what city was this convention held? A. Milwaukee B. Madison C. Janesville D. Racine
Answer: The first Lion State Convention in Wisconsin was held in (B.) Madison, Wisconsin. There were 15 clubs with 712 members.
During the year, plans were made to subdivide Wisconsin District 27 into smaller districts, each with its own District Governor. How many Sub Districts were created at this time? A. 2 B. 5 C. 3 D. 10
Answer: There were (C.) 3 sub Districts created during the year. They were A, B, and C.
Today we have 10 Districts in Wisconsin. The last District to divide was: A. A B. C C. D D. E
Answer: In , District (C.) D was divided and formed Districts D1 and D2.
Who were the two International Presidents from Wisconsin? A. Melvin Jones & Dr. W.P. Woods B. Frank V. Birch & Clarence L. Sturm C. Frank V. Sturm & Clarence L. Birch D. Kay K. Fukishima & Dr. Tae-Sup Lee
Answer: (B.) Frank V. Birch & Clarence L. Sturm. Frank Birch was from Milwaukee and served as the 21 st International President. His term was in And Clarence Sturm from Manawa served as the 43rd International President. His term was in
Where is the Wisconsin Lions Camp located? A. Stevens Point B. Rothschild C. Dundee D. Rosholt
Answer: The Wisconsin Lions camp is located just east of (D.) Rosholt, Wisconsin on Cty Rd A, just north of Hwy 66.
The Wisconsin Lions Camp opened in: A B C D. 1955
Answer: The Wisconsin Lions Camp opened in (B.) 1956.
The Wisconsin Lions State Office is located in: A. Madison B. Milwaukee C. Stevens Point D. Rosholt
Answer: The Wisconsin Lions State Office is located at 3834 Cty Rd A, in (D.) Rosholt, WI in the Wisconsin Lions Foundation office building on the Wisconsin Lions Camp property.
The Charitable Arm of the Wisconsin Lions Clubs is: A. LEO B. LCIF C. WLF D. LCI
Answer: The (C.) WLF Wisconsin Lions Foundation is the charitable arm of Lions Clubs of Wisconsin.
Name the six State Projects that are supported through the Wisconsin Lions Foundation.
Answer: Wisconsin Lions Camp Eye Glass Recycling Screening Center Hearing Program Adult & Childrens Vision Screening Community Diabetes Education Youth Programs
Two existing entities formed new foundations in 2012 to raise funds for the Wisconsin Lions Foundation: A. LIONS PRIDE B. BIRCH-STURM C. WLF D. LCIF
Answer: (A.) Lions Pride began in 2005 to raise $25M in order to endow the Lions Camp and all the other projects of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation in perpetuity. (B.) The Birch-Sturm Fellowship was started in 1991 to create an endowment to support the camp on a yearly basis. Both projects created independent foundations for administrative purposes.
The Wisconsin Lions International Youth Exchange Camp is located near: A. Rosholt B. Dundee C. Hayward D. Durand
Answer: The Wisconsin Lions lease a camp near (B.) Dundee, Wisconsin for their International Youth Exchange camp.
The first Wisconsin State Lions Magazine was called: A. Wisconsin Lions Magazine B. The Badger Lion C. LionWisconsin State Lions Magazine D. Wisconsin Lion
Answer: The first Wisconsin Lions Newsletter was made up by Deputy District Governor Frank V. Birch in September of He called it (B.) The Badger Lion.
The official Wisconsin Lions Clubs Web Site is: A. wislions.org B. lionsnet.net C. wisconsinlions.org D. lionsclubs.org
Answer: The official web site of Wisconsin Lions is (C.) wisconsinlions.org.
Wisconsin Lions started Eye Banking in what year: A B C D. 1998
Answer: The Milwaukee Eye Bank was taken over by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation in (B.) 1964 and was named the Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank.
Wisconsin Lions reorganized Eye Banking in what year: A B C D. 2002
Answer: In 1969 a separate eye banking facility was started in Madison. In (B.) 1998, a new eye bank was formed called the Eyebank of Wisconsin, Inc. In 2000, it was renamed the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin recognizing the participating and financial support given by the Lions and Lioness of Wisconsin.
Congratulations We hope you are now a better informed Lion, Lioness or Leo.