Union Grove High School ANNOUNCEMENTS 3-17-2016
GOLF 3-17 vs Luella @ Heron Bay
SOCCER 3/17 JV @ Dutchtown 5:30/7:00 3/17 9th @ Locust Grove 5:30/7:00 3/18 Varsity @ Forest Park 6:00/8:00
Lacrosse 3-17 @ Starr’s Mill 5:30/7 3-19 vs Greenbrier HOME Varsity 11:00
@ McDonough Elementary Gym 7:30pm Gymnastics Meet Friday March 18th @ McDonough Elementary Gym 7:30pm
BASEBALL 3-18 Varsity vs Luella Home 7:00 3-19 9th gr. @ Spalding 11:00 & 1:00 3-19 JV @ Luella 3:00 & 5:00
TENNIS March 18 & 19 @ LaGrange
Beta Club will be selling shamrocks for Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. UNTIL MARCH 13th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN UNTIL MARCH 13th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN UNTIL MARCH 13th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beta Club will be selling shamrocks for Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. during lunches: TODAY $1 for green / $5 for gold
TRACK & FIELD 3-19 Roswell Relays @ Roswell HS
Where: Union Grove High Gym When: March 19th 9:00-4:00pm TROPHIES will be awarded FOOD available for purchase Where: Union Grove High Gym When: March 19th 9:00-4:00pm Sponsored by: UGHS Navy JROTC
“Once Upon a Teen” March 23, 24,& 25th Grove Players present @ Henry Co. Performing Arts Center 7:00pm Tickets sold at the door
Attention Seniors Deadline to order your Union Grove Graduation Announcements & Accessories at the regular price is March 27th There will be late fees after that date. Place your order online at www.gabalfour.com and everything will ship directly to your home.
*Let their staff help you fill out the FAFSA GOING TO COLLEGE? NIGHT WHEN: TUESDAY March 29th 5-7pm WHERE: Flint River Campus or Griffin Campus BRING: 2014 or 15 Tax Returns *Let their staff help you fill out the FAFSA
“GPA Isn’t Everything Scholarship” Deadline: March 31st Amount: $1000 Website: cappex.com/scholarships/scholar shipDetails.jsp?scholarshipCode=gp Cappex.com is a free scholarship search engine
PROM is April 30th, 2016 @ GA Tech Conference Center Only 10 days left Tickets can be purchased in the front office or from Ms. Merlino. Only 10 days left to purchase tickets!
Come in to save $50 off your prom tuxedo rental! Black Tie Formal Wear @blacktiefw *Located in the McDonough Square* Come in to save $50 off your prom tuxedo rental!
Cotillion Scholarship Program For rising junior & senior Run until spring break The Southern Crescent Pearls Foundation Cotillion Scholarship Program For rising junior & senior Girls with a GPA 2.5 or higher Information in the counseling office
$1000 Scholarship deadline: April 1, 2016 fantasysportsdaily.com
SCHOLARSHIPS $2000 American Fire Sprinkler Association Deadline: http://www.afsascholarship.org/ Deadline: April 6th
MARC Seeks Teen Leaders for 2016-17 Class Eligibility: Any student currently in the 9th or 10th grade Commitment: The class meets once a month on Saturdays for 6 months, beginning in September 2016 There is no cost to participants Applications are due Friday, April 8 www.atlantaregional.com/about-us/awards-and-leadership/model-atlanta-regional-commission/marc-application
2016-2017 Basketball Cheerleading Squad If you are interested in trying out for the 2016-2017 Basketball Cheerleading Squad please attend a parent/information meeting April 13th @ 6:00pm in the media center at UGHS Tryouts will be May 20-21 *All paperwork is due to Kelli Smith by Friday, May 13th
Applications in the counseling office •$500.00 Scholarship •Must be a current or past patient •Graduating senior •Minimum GPA of 3.0 Applications in the counseling office Due April 15th
Due April 20th Henry Co. Retired Educators Association •$500 Scholarship •Must plan to pursue a degree in education •Applications in the counseling office Due April 20th http://www.hc-rea.org
Join The Senior SCHOLARSHIP Newsletter! 81010 Enter this number @theseni Text this message
Women’s History Trivia Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 Who was the 1st woman to be a vice-presidential nominee? Geraldine Ferraro in 1984
LUNCH Hot Dog Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese THUR 3-17 LUNCH Vegetable Beef Soup w/grilled cheese Hot Dog Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese Sweet potato fries, Cole slaw, Sliced pears THURSDAY Nov 15th