7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture (7ACPA), 16/10/2017 FATIMA Czech pilot Karel Charvat, Petr Fučík, Renata Duffková, Vojtěch Lukas, Karel Charvát Jr, Jiří Kvapil, Michal Kepka. BOSC VUMOP Mendel University Lesprojekt METCENAS UWB
Vysočina Region (Bohemo–Moravian Highland) hilly area (450 – 700 m a.s.l.) bedrock: crystalline complex (paragneiss, granite, orthogneiss) heterogenous soils: loamy sand - sandy loam - silty loam Cambisols and gleyic Stagnosols (Gleysols, Planosols), with distinct water regimes tile drainage (built on slopes); ca 30-40% of agricultural land subdrained traditionally agricultural region (50-60% arable land) main planted crops: cereals, oil seed rape, potatoes, maize, forage crops no irrigation last 15 years: a shift from traditional cropping systems to biogas (energy)-oriented crop planting (maize, oil rape)
Želivka River Basin, Švihov Drinking Water Reservoir - largest surface water reservoir - as drinking water source - in central Europe river basin area 1 180 km2 reservoir area 1 680 ha drinking water source for more than 1.5 milion people (partly Prague + central Czechia) water quality issues: phosphorus, pesticides, nitrates Agriculture-associated problems: vast & large field blocks (surface runoff, soil erosion) land drainage - excess, permanent and undue water outflow lowered water retention in soil / landscape energy crops restrictions for farmers operating in Švihov reservoir basin
Dehtáře pilot site
Dehtáře pilot site managed by Kojčice cooperative annual mean precipitation 666 mm annual mean air temperature: 7.1 °C average altitude 520 m a.s.l. A regional typical, profound soil heterogeneity: in discharge areas (mid to low parts of slopes), there are usually stagnic cambisols, haplic stagnosol, gleysols, and sporadically histosols (sandy clay loam/loam) in recharge areas (upper slope parts, close to catchment boundaries), there are shallow haplic cambisols and cambic hyperskeletic leptosol (loamy sand/sandy loam)
Kojčice Agricultural Cooperative A traditional farming company in the Highlands region Agricultural land 1 500 (ha) Cultivated Area 1 200 (ha) Arable land 300 (ha) Grassland Possession of the land 40 (ha) Owned 640 (ha) Rented from cooperative members 820 (ha) Rented from other persons Livestock farming cows - total 1 300 milking cows 600 pigs 300 The Cooperative: 50-70 employees
Kojčice Agricultural Cooperative – planted crops Main crops Avg. Yield (tons/ha) Avg. Area (ha; %) Winter Wheat 6.7 300 (20) Spring Barley 5.6 230 (15.3) Oil Seed Rape 3.9 200 (13.3) Potatoes 25 120 (8) Maize (green) 40 Grass (hay) 6 Clover n Spring cereal mixture 5 Other crops 90 Winter Barley Fodder crops Oat Typical crop rotation Year Crop Alternative 1 Clover 2 Winter wheat 3 Winter barley Maize 4 Oil seed rape Spring barley 5 6 Potatoes 7 A locally typical representative of Conventional-conservation farming: The use of org. fertilizers (own livestock) Regular, typical crop rotations (low extent of energy crops)
Dehtáře pilot site – the challenge to harmonize farming and environmental targets Farmers problems / needs / expectations Fluctuating crop yields due to: Significant soil heterogeneity in Dehtáře / CZ Highlands Lack or unequal distribution of precipitation – drought = almost useless fertilization Soil erosion (+ other soil degradation processes) Undifferentiated fertilizer doses Unstable yields To consider / harmonize the main agricultural management issues based on farmers and other stakeholders needs and expectations and on policy demands, regarding soil and water protection (DEHTÁŘE and FATIMA related): show that a traditional agricultural management (supported by up-to-date technologies and VRT machinery) with regular crop rotations, provides good soil conditions (soil structure, SOM, etc.), and, is worth for both agricultural demands (yields) as well as for environmental targets (water quality) figure out how precision farming may contribute to lessen the burden agriculture participates on deterioration of water quality
Objectives of the pilot: FATIMA trials - 2016: 1 field block (25 ha), 2017: 5 field blocks (104 ha) Objectives of the pilot: demonstrate FATIMA approaches in rainfed agricultural conditions (Czech Rep.) implement VRT for application of mineral fertilizers in within-field different yield potential zones in order to reduce nitrogen inputs, increase crop yields and reduce N leaching to waters.
Farm machinery – what is available and being used Portable Autopilot RAVEN Viper 4: Semi-automatic operation according to the application map Connected with machine via ISOBUS interface Navigation by GLIDE satellites (+/- 20 cm) Correction by Raven GS-Sllingshot (+/- 5-10) cm) and (or) Raven RTK-NET (+/- 2-5 cm) Recording of covered area, field border and work Driving of the machine by using electronic valve SMARTAX directly in the tractor John Deere 7930 + Fendt 900 + ZETOR 1624 Spreader (mineral fert.) – RAUCH 30.1 Hired: Harvester with continuous yield record
Czech Fatima Portal – Liferay Technology
Czech Fatima Portal - Open Data
Wireless Sensors Continuous data record and transfer to web (1 h step): Soil moisture, soil water potential, soil temperature
Czech Fatima Portal – Wireless Sensors
Czech Fatima Portal – Detailed maps
Czech Fatima Portal – 3D maps
Thank you for your attention charvat@bosc.lv http://fatima.bosc.lv/ http://fatima-h2020.eu/