West Coast Media Committee 2010 Media Lessons Learned Top Initiatives Objective Key Achievements Lessons Learned What would you different Example: Mobile Marketing Pilot media and campaign impact through the use of mobile media Mobile media ‘low cost of entry’ Effective channel in reaching target audience Incremental production cost incurred: destination page, multiple platform development IT integration Addressing privacy issues Long term communications plan for application use Synchronize consumer experience across all media and digital Develop process to address IT development, security and privacy 1. 2. 3 ‘2010 Media Lessons Learned’ is a great opportunity to share up to 3 key media initiatives and how they are impacting your business, achieving your goals, key lessons learned and what would you different. Goal: Share and learn from your peer experiences with emerging media, new media channels etc… What to Share: Please share what you are comfortable with. Using real data is at your discretion. The audience will be most interested in application of the strategy, implications of execution and impact to business goals. Template: Is here to help guide the discussion, it will not be presented unless you are interested in presenting. Each member will have about 5-10 minutes to discuss.